Forum Score

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Revision as of 10:15, 18 October 2011 by Makslane (Talk | contribs)
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A forum user can be rated by other users through the score system. If a post was helpful for you, give a positive score to the author. If you know how to solve a question in the forum, please answer.

When a user reach 30 points, this means that the user is reliable and valuable to the Game Editor community and will win a PROFESSIONAL COMMERCIAL LICENSE of Game Editor to develop and sell your games! Also, the user will have rights to edit the Game Editor site. Score points to posts that do not help anyone (like you got a point in a post you make a question) will not accepted and the score will be decreased.

The score system is a valuable tool to rate good users on the Game Editor forum and we need to protect it. The system was created in 25 Jan 2007 and very few bad users have tryed to cheat it. If a user try to cheat the score system will be banned from the forum. So, we can keep only the good guys.

More about the evolution of the score system: