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This is a feature only for the Collision Event only!!! It allows you to bounce... or perhaps stop.

Soo... Some uses can be explaned in diffrent ways...

What kind of games is it useful for?

Its awesome for anytype of games!!! RPG Games, Platform Games, Puzzle Games, Simulator Games, or even Demos games... It makes it use full to make it so you DONT go through objects...

Lets Take A Look

MOVE: Event Actor Only: Makes the Event Actor or the one holding the command halt... Or bounce! Collide Actor Only: Makes it if you bump into something... The item you bumped halts... Or bounces! Both Actors: Halts both, or Moves Both of you!

MASS: Both functions work same way... Although, just choose the one that fits you!

Those are the main functions... Here are some examples!

To Halt

Event Multiplyer 1.0

Collide Multiplyer 1.0

Final Velocity Multiplyer

Event Actor 0.0 IF you selected the EVENT COLLIDE ONLY or 1.0

Collide Actor 0.0 if you selected the EVENT COLLIDE ONLY! or 1.0

Select both Event Actor and collide actor to 0.0 if you selected BOTH ACTORS!

To Make a Target make you bounce when hit

Change Event actor of Collide actor following the rule about the MOVE and change the needed to 1+. More... The more stronger the bounce!