☼ BitFox v1.0 BETA - 2015

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Re: ☼ BitFox v1.0 BETA - 2015

Postby bat78 » Wed Apr 22, 2015 8:05 pm

koala wrote:
bat78 wrote:
koala wrote:
bat78 wrote:
koala wrote:I really like the fact you can make dataless games. That way it is "protected".

I don't really know what do you mean by ""protected"" but yes.. these who like codes will always like that fact but others - not really.
I meant you can't delete files contained in data folder, nor change them.

I think it is "safe" if that's what you mean, because the loose of a single file of the data ruins your entire game.
If my previous games were made that way.. I would have released them by now. I was forced to re-install OS long ago.. and all my work faded away. Sad isn't it.
I could recover the .ged though.. but not the data, which makes it.. practically unusable.
Well, there's a way to recover your game and that is making all images again, with the same name, but why doing that? Dataless is better because it decreases the risk of loosing your project.

Yes. Dataless is certainly more securer. No place for doubt.
But also that way provides you the ability to be able to capture (screenshot) your games.
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Re: ☼ BitFox v1.0 BETA - 2015

Postby koala » Fri Apr 24, 2015 3:50 pm

I've been playing with Collision Tutorial. Here are some mine conclusions and you correct me if I am wrong. :D And of course feel free to add statements. :D

Entire global code goes into bitfox_natives, on bottom, beneath MY CODE.

ball->Create Actor:
Code: Select all
RGB white_filter = { BLACK_COLOR };
Using this you are making white color in ball.bmp transparent.
Code: Select all
who_is_ball = BMPCOUNT - 1;

fgi_render_any_filter(BMPDATA[who_is_ball], who_is_ball, white_filter, 1);
ball.bmp is loaded and the actor takes that animation, with transparency 0, or the other thing opposite of transparency :? 1.

Actors are canvas, and collision is determined by colors. Neat. 8)
Last edited by koala on Sat Apr 25, 2015 10:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ☼ BitFox v1.0 BETA - 2015

Postby bat78 » Fri Apr 24, 2015 4:18 pm

koala wrote:I've playing with Collision Tutorial. Here are some mine conclusions and you correct me if I am wrong. And of course feel free to add statements.

Entire global code goes into bitfox_natives, on bottom, beneath MY CODE.

ball->Create Actor:
Code: Select all
RGB white_filter = { BLACK_COLOR };
Using this you are making white color in ball.bmp transparent.
Code: Select all
who_is_ball = BMPCOUNT - 1;

fgi_render_any_filter(BMPDATA[who_is_ball], who_is_ball, white_filter, 1);
ball.bmp is loaded and the actor takes that animation, with transparency 0, or the other thing opposite of transparency :? 1.

Actors are canvas, and collision is determined by colors. Neat. 8)

RGB white_filter = { BLACK_COLOR };
This is rather black_filter :D
I believe it was
Code: Select all
RGB white_filter = { WHITE_COLOR };

The syntax of fgi's filtered multirenderer:
Code: Select all
fgiVoid fgi_render_any_filter (fgiBytePtr image, fgiInt64_u id, fgiRGB filter, fgiFloat dt_t)

the first two arguments are obvious, the 3rd is which color to be skipped and the 4th is transparency for the dominant color. (0 for 0% transparent - visible)

Yes :)
Last edited by bat78 on Fri Apr 24, 2015 7:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ☼ BitFox v1.0 BETA - 2015

Postby Zivouhr » Fri Apr 24, 2015 5:58 pm

Bat78, the scaling, rotation and other features sound cool. Will there also be a version of BitFox for Linux and Mac in the future?
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Re: ☼ BitFox v1.0 BETA - 2015

Postby bat78 » Fri Apr 24, 2015 6:11 pm

Zivouhr wrote:Bat78, the scaling, rotation and other features sound cool. Will there also be a version of BitFox for Linux and Mac in the future?

The bitfox_merged.c is a plain merged source file of bitfox that you can use in Linux on a free will.
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Re: ☼ BitFox v1.0 BETA - 2015

Postby koala » Fri Apr 24, 2015 6:30 pm

bat78 wrote:
koala wrote:I've playing with Collision Tutorial. Here are some mine conclusions and you correct me if I am wrong. And of course feel free to add statements.

Entire global code goes into bitfox_natives, on bottom, beneath MY CODE.

ball->Create Actor:
Code: Select all
RGB white_filter = { BLACK_COLOR };
Using this you are making white color in ball.bmp transparent.
Code: Select all
who_is_ball = BMPCOUNT - 1;

fgi_render_any_filter(BMPDATA[who_is_ball], who_is_ball, white_filter, 1);
ball.bmp is loaded and the actor takes that animation, with transparency 0, or the other thing opposite of transparency :? 1.

Actors are canvas, and collision is determined by colors. Neat. 8)

RGB white_filter = { BLACK_COLOR };
This is rather black_filter :D
I believe it was
Code: Select all
RGB white_filter = { COLOR_WHITE };

The syntax of fgi's filtered multirenderer:
Code: Select all
fgiVoid fgi_render_any_filter (fgiBytePtr image, fgiInt64_u id, fgiRGB filter, fgiFloat dt_t)

the first two arguments are obvious, the 3rd is which color to be skipped and the 4th is transparency for the dominant color. (0 for 0% transparent - visible)

Yes :)
Thank you.
Yes, you're right. I've changed the original code, and then copied it, but forgot about changes. :roll:
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Re: ☼ BitFox v1.0 BETA - 2015

Postby koala » Sat Apr 25, 2015 10:43 am

Hi, bat78! :D
I have a suggestion, not as a programmer, C user (programmer), or a GE user (programmer) (in all those fields you have much more knowledge and experience, so I can't suggest much), but as a lazy and spoiled Bitfox user. :D Or any other user. Users pay a lot of attention on every detail, so no matter how good something is, if there's a detail they don't like, they won't bother much and unfortunately will quit using a program, application or whatever. In general, users always seek the easiest and simplest way.
Maybe there's another way you could name functions and variables? Names could be shorter and mainly same size letters and sometimes more intuitive. Like strcmp - it is short, all are small letters, so you can type it very quickly, and it is obvious what it is doing.
I hope this friendly suggestion helps. :D
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Re: ☼ BitFox v1.0 BETA - 2015

Postby bat78 » Sat Apr 25, 2015 2:48 pm

While I agree with the usual preferences of people, I have to say no - that didn't help. Because large libraries use exactly the same style of naming for functions (snake case) and honestly.. that way is very well organized and function names are becoming pretty self-explanatory so one can figure out what would be the name of the function x.
Check GTK+ or Java's Swing library especially. I have no intentions to violate the ww understanding of "Readable and Clear Code".

strcmp is a good name, because it is a standard name for a standard function. Standard functions are basic functions, hence the easiest name is taken and not usable.
What name can you suggest me for bitfox_getcolor_xy_data ?
getclr ? And how is that obvious? I would never figure out what does it do. Gets color? From which library? On what way? from where? how?
bitfox_getclrXY_data is a mixed style of naming and much less readable than the way it is:
bitfox_getcolor_xy_data. Most of the functions are following strict name of naming:

Remember the test I made you? It clearly pointed out you are the "lazy kind of programmer". They will always complain about stuff like that.
So do I. But this is the very wrong thing to do, because it only satisfies your problems, but it doesn't improve your knowledge and/or straightforward habits that you must get used to in order to simplify yourself in a the real world of libraries and programming from scratch or programming that would require you to behave on a professional level, which is what at least I am aiming to.
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Re: ☼ BitFox v1.0 BETA - 2015

Postby bat78 » Sat Apr 25, 2015 3:04 pm

Also I don't care that people will quit BitFox programming, because it is too complex.
This is becoming the perfect source from which I can find good programmers isn't it?

Large libraries are impossible to be easy to use. Lazy people, quit them, because they are lazy.
Programmers with passion and goals, used to the standards will not. Quite the opposite actually they will enjoy it.

I can't please the two kinds of programmers at the same time.. but I can at least offer an alternative and a solution to their problems.
It is free and only you decide will you take advantage of it or not. In either case you have to be aware that me listening to your advice will not make you less lazier.
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Re: ☼ BitFox v1.0 BETA - 2015

Postby koala » Sat Apr 25, 2015 3:20 pm

OK, sorry, I didn't know it will drive you mad. It was an honest and friendly advice. I still think Bitfox is great, I just thought if people are going to use it, it might be somewhat simpler. I'll use it for sure, test some functions, check again tutorials. This was just my opinion. No bad feelings. :D
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Re: ☼ BitFox v1.0 BETA - 2015

Postby bat78 » Sat Apr 25, 2015 3:42 pm

koala wrote:OK, sorry, I didn't know it will drive you mad. It was an honest and friendly advice. I still think Bitfox is great, I just thought if people are going to use it, it might be somewhat simpler. I'll use it for sure, test some functions, check again tutorials. This was just my opinion. No bad feelings. :D

I am not mad, neither I was. I was just not amused. These things are quite serious though.
You can do, whatever you like with it. I don't mind. Thank you (:
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Re: ☼ BitFox v1.0 BETA - 2015

Postby Turon » Mon May 25, 2015 8:04 pm

This has been a lot to internalise into my little brain, but from what I understand Bitfox is a library of code that manipulates visuals...
I hope to eventually utilise this library's full potential, but for now I have a simple question for a simple implication that may possibly come out as a stupid question... Which library is the one with that does the scaling? you see I wan't to make my low resolution game look big on my high resolution screen...
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Re: ☼ BitFox v1.0 BETA - 2015

Postby bat78 » Mon May 25, 2015 8:26 pm

Turon wrote:This has been a lot to internalise into my little brain, but from what I understand Bitfox is a library of code that manipulates visuals...
I hope to eventually utilise this library's full potential, but for now I have a simple question for a simple implication that may possibly come out as a stupid question... Which library is the one with that does the scaling? you see I wan't to make my low resolution game look big on my high resolution screen...

It is for image manipulation. The image could be either buffered in memory or onto the disk as a file.

It is one library called BITFOX.
A combination of header files and the foxyGI toolkit (for interfaces).

Scaling is part of image manipulation which is bitfox.
Code for scaling is contained in bitfox_core.h or bitfox_merged.c depending whether you want to include (library) or load (merged version).
Follow the example usage in the reference and you'll be good.
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Re: ☼ BitFox v1.0 BETA - 2015

Postby Turon » Tue May 26, 2015 7:49 am

You have mentioned these "dataless" games which I presume do not include a data folder with the ged, but how exactly is the data stored? If it isn't in a data folder is it in streamed from the Internet? Or is it stored internally in the ged. With some interesting usage of canvas actors or something else?
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Re: ☼ BitFox v1.0 BETA - 2015

Postby bat78 » Tue May 26, 2015 11:49 am

Turon wrote:You have mentioned these "dataless" games which I presume do not include a data folder with the ged, but how exactly is the data stored? If it isn't in a data folder is it in streamed from the Internet? Or is it stored internally in the ged. With some interesting usage of canvas actors or something else?

Yes "dataless" means exactly "without data folder".
Yep data is stored in the memory and rendered by foxyGI.
You can try these games and see how it works.
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