Making an Inventory

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Re: Making an Inventory

Postby GuybrushThreepwood » Fri Nov 07, 2008 8:11 am

well, watever my max is, can u tell me wat to do next :mrgreen:
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Re: Making an Inventory

Postby GuybrushThreepwood » Sat Nov 08, 2008 9:58 am

Hey, no biggie. doesnt matter how long it takes, i jus wanna get it done :mrgreen:
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Re: Making an Inventory

Postby skydereign » Mon Nov 10, 2008 6:43 am

Finally here it is. To change the max item size, the first thing you need to do is change the array size in global code, global. The next thing to change is the mouse button down event of actor down. Last thing to change is the mouse button down events of the items. Also, the click button does not work, because I added a draw actor script setting the pickup value (click) to 1 at all times. For you, you would want to delete that draw actor script so you can click it, then click an item, making your player actor move there, and upon collision with the item, activate the, in my example the mouse button down event for the item. If this, my explanation or anything in the code does not make sense just ask.

Sorry, some of the inventory display spots did not have the proper animations... I fixed it.
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Re: Making an Inventory

Postby Lexcondran » Thu Nov 13, 2008 11:30 pm

inventorys are very simple its mostly reqiures move to scripting when left clicking on a thing with the mouse.
i know very little about inventory things but have a growing knowledge of it as i have gotten to pretty adanced stuff and even learned how to shorten the scripts mostly by taking things like Blah=Blah +2; to Blah +=2; shorter same thing and variables need to be shortened from Mylongname= MLN each initial a different word should write down meanings in a global code using //to make it a description thing for later understanding of what nots ??? :roll: :roll: =My RPG APP FILE V. 3.0 {7/15/2010} =My editable demo of my Rpg for people V2.3
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Re: Making an Inventory

Postby skydereign » Fri Nov 14, 2008 12:13 am

I agree on the most part on shortening things, but I tend to mess one up out of all my code. So I find it easier, on the most part to keep things nice and clear, which also allows other people to understand a bit of code that has branching calls and uses. Anyway, I don't mind taking a few seconds longer, which could help me later. Also I use emacs for my script work so I can create shortcuts, such as MLN to print out My_Long_Name.
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Re: Making an Inventory

Postby BlarghNRawr » Sat Nov 15, 2008 2:28 am

making the scripts eisier to understand is important..

like puting spaces between 2 unrelated parts and no spaces bettween things the same
it helps if its not reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally long...
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