Update # 1: Weeiiird O.o
It seems that the GBH version's .7z file is messed up O.o I cant seem to even get the thing to open.. I'm going to try to re-download it
Update #2: Fixed
Out of a desperate search, I found out how to fix this! Simply open terminal, then type, or copy and paste, "sudo apt-get install libstdc++5" without the quotes (duh

Update #3: The Repos...
It seems it's not in the repos anymore :/ So go here: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywo ... ection=all It should work with Ubuntu 9.10, i'ma try it
Update #4: Direct Links
Here's some direct links to the c++ thing
North America Download Europe Download
Update #5: IT WORKS!
It works! Simply click one of the links and install the DEB package!