** Need help, please. **

Non-platform specific questions.

** Need help, please. **

Postby Camper1995 » Thu Dec 23, 2010 4:08 pm

Hi all. I am making new game "engine" that will be realistic. It have real physics and so.

Question: I have a line make from 2 actors. (actor1 and actor2)
who dont know what I mean, here is the script:

Code: Select all
erase(0,0,0,1); //erase...
setpen(0,255,0,0,15); //pen color..

moveto(actor1.xscreen, actor1.yscreen); //draw line from actor1...
lineto(actor2.xscreen, actor2.yscreen); //..to actor2.. ;)

So, how to set distance between these 2 actors. I want it to be 200pixels. How to set it ?
For those who dont understand what I want.
what ever are the positions or actor1 and actor 2...

..the distance between them must be 200px!


Please help me if you can.

Thanks :)
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Re: ** Need help, please. **

Postby skydereign » Thu Dec 23, 2010 9:30 pm

Well, if you want the players to be always within 200 pixels of each other, they would always be within a given circle. It kind of depends on how you want to set their position, but here is an example.
Actor1 -> Draw Actor -> Script Editor
Code: Select all
double ang = degtorad(direction(x, y, Actor2.x, Actor2.y));
x= Actor2.x+cos(ang)*200;
y= Actor2.y-sin(ang)*200;
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Re: ** Need help, please. **

Postby Camper1995 » Fri Dec 24, 2010 12:57 pm

Yeah. Its setting the distance 200pixels. Thanks good. But I dont know why, the actor 1 apears first time UP and then DOWN the actor 2.

Hm. Well, its working but not good.

Is there way to make it like:

if(x<actor2.x+200) {make distance between them be 200px} or something like that.

Dont know. But thanks for helping me. Merry Christmas! ;)
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Re: ** Need help, please. **

Postby skydereign » Sat Dec 25, 2010 3:09 am

If you want it to be just when the distance is greater than 200, than you can use an if. But, there was a typo in my above post. Here's what it should have been.
Code: Select all
double ang = degtorad(direction(x, y, Actor2.x, Actor2.y));
x= Actor2.x-cos(ang)*200;
y= Actor2.y+sin(ang)*200;

With the if statement included would be this.
Code: Select all
    double ang = degtorad(direction(x, y, Actor2.x, Actor2.y));
    x= Actor2.x-cos(ang)*200;
    y= Actor2.y+sin(ang)*200;
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Re: ** Need help, please. **

Postby Camper1995 » Sat Dec 25, 2010 12:15 pm

WOW! Great work Skydereign! ;) You helped me again. Nice and thanks a lot. ;)

+1 :mrgreen:
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