I tryer what you told me but now the main actor does not show up when I go to the next level. I put two regions on the same level to see what happens and when the main actor crosses from one to the other one of the sounds that I have is activated and it sounds distorted. Let me show you how I set this up so you could maybe give me a solution.
1. the view starts out with the main screen were you have the start boton.
2. you click the start boton and the view will move to the start of level 1.
3. you finish level on and the view will go to the main screen again. What happens to the main actor is that it is disabled when you finish level 1.
4. on the main screen you click on the continue boton and what happens is that the view will go to the start of level 2. Also by clickig on contunue boton the main actor is moved to the start of level 2 and enable again.
you think this might have to do with why the regions will not work for me the way I thought they would.?