[Forum Project #1] Steam Run Design Document

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Re: [Forum Project #1] Steam Run Design Document

Postby lcl » Wed Mar 13, 2013 2:49 pm

@Jagmaster: Absolutely beautiful! That looks amazing!
The graphical style is really nice!

I think that the outlines are good and that they should be used on the graphics.
However, I think that everything on the background would look better without the outlines.
That would make it easier to see the difference between background and foreground. :)
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Re: [Forum Project #1] Steam Run Design Document

Postby sonicforvergame » Wed Mar 13, 2013 6:07 pm

Very cool work Jagmaster i like the rusty and contaminated wall of the factory
But i suppose you used Brush stroke in Photoshop because of this missing texture in the bottom of the factory
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Re: [Forum Project #1] Steam Run Design Document

Postby happyjustbecause » Thu Mar 14, 2013 8:08 pm

Yeah Jagmaster nice job, that process of finding the right texture was worth it because it now looks great. I think that the outline kind of gives it a cartoony look but I like that, it looks more complete and stylized.
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Re: [Forum Project #1] Steam Run Design Document

Postby GEuser » Sat Mar 16, 2013 9:01 pm

@ Jagmaster

That factory looks better now. Do you think the right hand side might need brighteninng up a bit?

Toxic waste gun

Been working on a blender concept of the toxic waste gun doodle that Sky/Jag did. Here's the waste ammo bit:-


I imagine that you'd be-able to screw that in and out to refill (from waste dump?)
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Re: [Forum Project #1] Steam Run Design Document

Postby skydereign » Sun Mar 17, 2013 12:33 am

happyjustbecause wrote:I was kind of bored today and I thought of making some kind of title looking thing for Steam Run. Maybe we could use this image as the one for the forum topic image. I'm not really a logo designer, I just was playing around with a program I have, hopefully this will at least inspire someone to make a better logo.




These are pretty good. I'd recommend lowering the shadow. I feel like currently there is too much distance between the text and the background.
Jagmaster wrote:Image
I'm not sure what's preferable, with or without outlines.
Here's the gimp file that contains the original render along with the grime and color adjustment layers. https://dl.dropbox.com/u/38920518/Web%20storage/Steam%20Run/FinalComposite.xcf

These look really good. I like the first one better, but I think it would be even better if the line texturing wasn't as strong (only really seems like a problem on the left door). I think in general it breaks the 3d effect, since they are straight horizontal on a rather curved surface.
GEuser wrote:Toxic waste gun

Been working on a blender concept of the toxic waste gun doodle that Sky/Jag did. Here's the waste ammo bit:-

Very nice. I look forward to seeing it in its completion.
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Re: [Forum Project #1] Steam Run Design Document

Postby Jagmaster » Sun Mar 17, 2013 7:24 pm

Thanks for all the feedback everyone!

lcl wrote:I think that the outlines are good and that they should be used on the graphics.
However, I think that everything on the background would look better without the outlines.
That would make it easier to see the difference between background and foreground. :)

That's a good point. We don't want the foreground objects getting lost.

sonicforvergame wrote:But i suppose you used Brush stroke in Photoshop because of this missing texture in the bottom of the factory

Yep, I used the brush stroke in gimp for some of the grunge. Check out the psd file below.


That gun is looking quite clever so far!


I adjusted the subdivision settings a bit (It seems the door's geometry was not subdivided at all) which got a more smooth result. The outlining I thought could be toned down a touch as it was getting messy in some areas. I also toned down the horizontal shading on the door as you suggested.


Should we use psd as a standard for working files? It was just a thought I had here. I think the majority of everyone here is using gimp or something similar, but if someone prefers photoshop (like mac users) it would make it so everyone open/edit the files if they so choose to.
The only downside to that, is that psd files are way heavier than xcf (I wonder why? hmmmm). However, I do know gimp can open and save them, so it doesn't effect my workflow so much.

Either way, here's the Psd file: FinalComposite.psd
And the Blender file (needs a freestyle build for outlines) Steamrunbuilding1.blend
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Re: [Forum Project #1] Steam Run Design Document

Postby Jagmaster » Mon Mar 18, 2013 2:15 am

Had a quick idea for a "sniper mode". I even went to the trouble of making a demo!

Might be an interesting feature if it doesn't break the gameflow too much.

Sniper Gameplay concept

All enemies must be eliminated before sniping post is "unlocked".
Player activates sniper rifle, moves to post and hits a key to enter sniping mode.

If enemies enter the area before sniping is finished, hit points decrease and game goes back to the level (above)

Demo of sniping mode:
Basically, it's first person view looking through a scope at a parallaxing background. Different characters would be wondering around on the different layers.
Initially, important targets would be hidden. One could receive missions to target certain hostiles, then they would be visible and the player would have to hunt them down.

There would still need to be a penalty for shooting down random folks (unless that's your mission).
And then again this all defies "Keep it simple stupid"
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Re: [Forum Project #1] Steam Run Design Document

Postby GEuser » Mon Mar 18, 2013 2:52 am

@ Jagmaster

I love the sniper concept. Really cool idea to keep the player interested and would be a really useful tool for rebel assignments. Go and assassinat so and so person kind of thing or even use thhe sniper to spy on overlord guardians barracks. Cool, love it!

The technique is very similiar to a torch light conceptt I was playing around with (using genwave() to crreate the flickering effect, that would be the wind playing on the torch flames).

Your technique with some adjustments would be a cool way to have a lighting method for a tunnel / subway level. I'll see if I can fnd the old .ged for that torch thing. It's uncanny how people come up with similiar techniques but with different applications, funny that :D

Jag expand on this sniper idea a bit more. See what else we can get out of it. btw that factory is comming along well now.
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Re: [Forum Project #1] Steam Run Design Document

Postby GEuser » Mon Mar 18, 2013 3:16 am

Here's that demo of the torch thing. It was an experimental thing when I was creating the genwave() function but it's an older version so not compatible with the new genwave() stuff. It's very basic.

.ged File:
(199.57 KiB) Downloaded 163 times

- 'Left' & 'Right' arrow keys to navigate.
- 'L' Key to blow out / re-light torch flame.
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Re: [Forum Project #1] Steam Run Design Document

Postby happyjustbecause » Mon Mar 18, 2013 9:01 pm

I really like the feel of that sniping idea. The parallax background really makes it feel cool to move the sniper around, this would be a good way to break up gameplay from getting too repetitive as well. We should really consider this, we could also use it in the story, maybe during some kind of speech of Big Brother (if he's actually a human/has a physical form), you attempt assassinating him, maybe it goes wrong somehow... But yeah, this would be cool to have in the game for sure.

And GEuser, great job on that toxic waste gun, the blenders you make are really very awesome. I also like the way you pasted in Sky's drawing into your concept =D.
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Re: [Forum Project #1] Steam Run Design Document

Postby schnellboot » Tue Mar 19, 2013 12:26 pm

what is meant by "Possible Members"?
I'd like to be a tester if its possible
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Re: [Forum Project #1] Steam Run Design Document

Postby skydereign » Tue Mar 19, 2013 1:29 pm

schnellboot wrote:what is meant by "Possible Members"?

Oh, that was just a list of people that had sort of voiced interest, but hadn't officially said they wanted to join. I can see how that can be confusing, I'll remove it.
schnellboot wrote:I'd like to be a tester if its possible

Okay, added.
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Re: [Forum Project #1] Steam Run Design Document

Postby GEuser » Wed Mar 20, 2013 2:56 pm

@Happy thanks!


In addition to what happy said the sniper look could also be adapted to those observation telescope things you referred to in your building sketches.

Imagine a levels including overlord's observation guarding towers based around the game world. You could inflirate these and be able to see through the scopes erected in them. These views could give you a unique perspective on a particular puzzle the player needs to solve.

For example, an obstacle is blocking a way but a hidden lever or moving object can only be viewed from local tower as clue to solve the problem. Cold of course come in many other forrms with the towers dotted all around the place. Hey, perhaps even a rebel tower with its own version made up of various hodge-podge components gathered up.

The telescope feature has a lot of potential and could become a characterising feature of the game. The same technique used from snipers to guard towers and much more...
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Re: [Forum Project #1] Steam Run Design Document

Postby knucklecrunchgames » Tue Mar 26, 2013 2:49 pm

will you use arrows for ios? to make him move?
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Re: [Forum Project #1] Steam Run Design Document

Postby Hblade » Wed Mar 27, 2013 12:26 am

I've created a hyper realistic fire puff for this project if you need it. Also if you want the fire puff going "around" an object I can also make that happen by placing an invis object in front of the fires path.

This fire was made with blender and contains 15000 particals.

Sorry its named GIMP, I had the name kind of wrong hehe O//o
(1.17 MiB) Downloaded 143 times

Uses 50 frames, supports full alpha channel and looks pretty nice in GE.
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