After spending many hours with my Java All-in-One Desk Reference for Dummies book, I have wondered what Makslane was thinking when he wrote GE. It has some very interesting similarities such as referring to an actor's variables with the dot operator like MyActor.x . Can you also declare a function in an actor's Create actor event and call it with MyActor.MyFunction(); ? Also Inheritance works just like in Java where a child actor can override events(methods) of it's parent. In his Baseactor tutorial he describes what is essentially an Abstract Class i.e. an actor that is never really created but contains behaviors that many different concrete actors inherit.
GE is really an interesting mix of object-oriented and procedural style programming. You can program things either way you want to. This post doesn't really have a purpose, but if makslane would like to respond I would certainly be interested in what he has to say. Did you use concepts from Java when you wrote GE? It really is a pretty amazing program.
EDIT: uh, I just realized this should probably be in the general forum so feel free to move it.