So I have some flame spitting traps I'm working on (ignore the obvious graphical issues - still early indevelopment here)... I've made a sound file to accompany the animation which fits it perfectly for it's framerate... But it seems if I have the sound accompany a draw actor/create actor script, each flame actor plays the sound at once, which sounds awful and prevents other sound effects from being heard. I've tried making a seperate actor to play "single" version, but it never seems to match up right. Anyone come accross this issue before? [see pic below]
Oh yeah, and my VIEW follows my actor, but when my actor dies the view swishes accross to the center of the map (where the now destroyed player has apparently gone to). I tried an event where when he dies I change the parent of the view to the animated corpse which is left behind, but that messes up all kinds of stuff placed within the view... How would I go about scripting that kind of change without any parenting?