by krenisis » Sun Nov 29, 2009 5:21 am
I be honest it doesnt seem to welcoming. Iam sure many people would like to start making thier own games and have already tried and are fustrated. If someone thinks game making is complicated and goes into a webpage like the one we have now or another one similar they are going to hit the exit button.The 1st thought someone going to have going into complex pages is the product is complex. Thats going to turn people away not bring them in.I cannot believe iam the only person here who sees this. Iam trying to go the oppsite direction , we should make the homepage have less on it.Why should there be a video on 1st page , a video is for advertisments not a front page. Well iam no expert and when i say something it seems to get shot down but i promise you this if you choose to go with complex webpages your not going to attract people for a game making made easy product.It will be better to simplify not make it cluttered with many options and detail the moment you enter.I made a simple step by step pac-man tutorial and i do more later.Iam trying to make this product simple to use , the same way skydereign is with the wiki. I feel our homepage should reflect that.