Pharaoh's Secret Chamber

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Pharaoh's Secret Chamber

Postby Hares » Wed Jan 15, 2014 11:53 pm


Here is the first version of my first game.
In the zip file are the windows and linux .exe files.
I was not able to export the mac file. When I tried to export nothing happend :?:

From GE version 1.4.1 the splash screen is removed.
I didn't mind the splash screen. The only thing I don't like about it, is that it is super static.
So GE removing the splash screen gives us, GE users, the ability to create our own - more dynamic - splash screen ... :D

My goal was to make a platform game in the Super Mario style, but with original artwork.

The game is set inside a pyramid.
I didn't want to give the player weapons to shoot or slash at stuff. But the player had to have some kind of challenge.
Then I figured that darkness is a big difficulty, if you don't have a flash light. So I came up with the torch, and the light fading after a certain time.

Our hero is an archeologist (or grave robber ...) that enters a dark pyramid in search of the pharaoh's secret chamber. Not knowing what he will find on the inside. Treasures, or mummies, or ...

All the artwork is mine. I also did the coding, and made the music.
For the sound effects I roamed the internet :)

This game takes part in the 2014 January tournament which has as theme "darkness":

In this first version only one level is finished.
There is a menu screen. And also the start of a second level.

In trying to figure out how to work with GE, I went through the help files, searched the forum, and tried to make the best of it :?
Initialy I tried the "easy" way of moving the player around, with the key down / key up events. But there was a moonwalking bug I couldn't solve.
So I returned to the help files and found a tutorial called advanced platformers:
In the tutorial there are a lot of bugs in the code, but the principle is clear. This modified code I use in this game:

Now that the first level is finished, I look forward to start building the next levels.
I am also thinking to make a version that can run on an android device.

All comments are welcome.
And good luck to the other contestants in the tournament.
version of 2014-01-21
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Last edited by Hares on Tue Jan 21, 2014 6:00 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Pharaoh's Secret Chamber

Postby NightOfHorror » Thu Jan 16, 2014 3:11 am

Already played it, I will play it later again, especially in judge week, and after I am done taking a shower, I will report my +/- criticism.
On a plus side, I beat the level under construction as in by killing all the mummies! :D
darn it, game editor made me shrink it dramatically.
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Re: Pharaoh's Secret Chamber

Postby NightOfHorror » Thu Jan 16, 2014 4:02 am

Okay as I said, I am going to tell you the things I liked and didn't like.
First off, I would like to thank you for entering the tournament, and the game you created was neat, and original.

First off, the idea of the torch as your center piece is original to me and I like it as when it starts to dwindle, I am panicked and hoping to find a torch soon which does create an adrenaline rush for me, and that is something I like.

Also, I liked the animations you had for a lot of the things, all the way to the beating heart which is a nice touch, and the jumping animation, although simple, does give it that cartoon feel to it. The only thing that bothered me on that was when you died, I was kind of hoping for an animation of some sort, such as your guy turning into a mummy, or even just going down to the ground, but I have to nit-pick at what I see.

The music and sound of you jumping was also something that I liked. I don't know if you were trying to go for this, but I felt like it fit the theme well, but also didn't go with the stereotypical scary/eerie/creepy feel to it (which isn't bad, but you know, it is nice to see this) and more of a cartoon like, adventurous game. The thing about though, is I feel like the music and sound really contributed to this. If you changed it to more of a suspenseful music and the jump wasn't as friendly sounding, and maybe you even darkened the graphics a bit more, it could have been more eerie, and I just like your game because the music and sounds tell me the mood of the game, and I know how to play it, if you understand what I am saying.

Probably the most impressive part of this is the graphics themselves. You did it all and it all looks great, and I like the contrast of the bright characters of the character/enemies to the darker background of the pyramid, which makes it where I can marvel at the background, which is impressive, but at the same time, not have it distract me from the actual game.

Now to the actual game-play part of it. The main thing of this game is the light and as I said it can get intense when you are nearly out and need to find a torch fast. Level 1 kind of showed this more, and it also gave a quick thing where boxes were pushed, and it is nice to see other aspects of it. Also I get that jumping is the way to kill mummies, and level 2 showed that, which I like to do as well. My problem though was how linear it was, I mean there was other ways to go, but in all, level 1 wasn't a challenge as it was easy to follow the path to the end and if I didn't a torch would make it where I wasn't penalized. That was just level 1 though, so it is meant to be easy, and I understand that.

Overall, I really enjoyed it, and I would like to see you continue it and create a full game, as many people who have good ideas never finish these games in these tournaments. By the way, in the future, for this game, if you want to add a difficulty option, you could make it where easy is well easy, normal is this, hard is no potions to heal yourself, or a level doesn't reset your health, legendary, one hit kills, and God mode, one hit kills and restart game from level 1. Just an idea.

Last thing, since today is only the 15th, you are allowed to re-submit your game if you decide to fix any of the things I criticized on, for that is a perk of releasing your game early. That is up to you at the end though as this game is already very good.

Thanks again for entering. :D
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Re: Pharaoh's Secret Chamber

Postby Hares » Thu Jan 16, 2014 10:31 pm

You certainly gave a thorough comment :D

On a plus side, I beat the level under construction as in by killing all the mummies! :D

Respect for that 8)

The only thing that bothered me on that was when you died, I was kind of hoping for an animation of some sort ...

At a certain point I wanted to make an animation for when the player dies, but then there was a problem with the code that took all my attention.
And afterwards it completely slipped my mind.
I will still make the animation, but I don't know if I will be able to do it before the end of the tournament.
Thanks for pointing that out.

My problem though was how linear it was, I mean there was other ways to go, but in all, level 1 wasn't a challenge as it was easy to follow the path ...

Like you said, level one is meant to be easy.
In the next levels I plan to make it more like a maze. Haven't totally figured it out though.

About the difficulty option: That is a good idea, but as this is my first game I want to get it finished while keeping it relatively simple for myself. I will keep the idea in the back of my mind, but for now I don't plan on incorporating it.

The thing that made me happiest about your comment is that you got an adrenaline rush while playing the game :)
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Re: Pharaoh's Secret Chamber

Postby NightOfHorror » Thu Jan 16, 2014 10:45 pm

Hey, as I said, your game is already very good and took a lot of work, so if you want to just sit back and relax away from the stress of deadlines, I will fully understand. :)
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Re: Pharaoh's Secret Chamber

Postby Hares » Fri Jan 17, 2014 1:59 pm

I was not able to export the mac file. When I tried to export nothing happend :?:

I had a look again on the thread of 1.4.1 beta release.
We will have to wait for the full release to get mac export.

Here's the beta version of 1.4.1. The zip includes the Linux and Windows editor and exports. Other editor/engines are currently not built and will be there in the full release.
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Re: Pharaoh's Secret Chamber

Postby Hares » Fri Jan 17, 2014 9:22 pm

The only thing that bothered me on that was when you died, I was kind of hoping for an animation of some sort ...

That is taken care of now. I added an animation when the player dies.
To get the new version, download the zip file from the inital post.
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Re: Pharaoh's Secret Chamber

Postby NightOfHorror » Fri Jan 17, 2014 9:39 pm

I played through again and like that the death animation was added in, which will increase your total points at the end. :)
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Re: Pharaoh's Secret Chamber

Postby Jagmaster » Sun Jan 19, 2014 2:22 am

Neat game. I'm a pretty big Indiana Jones fan, so I got a kick out of the aesthetics. And I actually liked the music and how it responded to your torch running out - sort of gave it an old Chuck Jones style slapstick vibe to it.
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Re: Pharaoh's Secret Chamber

Postby NightOfHorror » Sun Jan 19, 2014 3:52 am

Hey JagMaster, I just wanted to know if you wanted to be a judge since you were the champ of the last Darkness theme tournament?
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Re: Pharaoh's Secret Chamber

Postby Jagmaster » Sun Jan 19, 2014 4:01 am

Thanks, but I'd rather be just a spectator for now.
I'll consider it perhaps, but for now I'm just giving my first impressions and thoughts/opinions - spectating.

But I honestly don't care who wins this comp that much, I just like seeing more games being made! :)
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Re: Pharaoh's Secret Chamber

Postby NightOfHorror » Sun Jan 19, 2014 5:00 am

That is fine by all means. :)
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Re: Pharaoh's Secret Chamber

Postby Hares » Tue Jan 21, 2014 6:16 pm

Added a new version of the game with some minor bug fixes.
When the player collided with the stairs it looked glitchy.
There was also a moonwalk when running and ducking at the same time.
All that is fixed now.

I'm a pretty big Indiana Jones fan, so I got a kick out of the aesthetics.

When I drew the main character, I wanted him to be sort of timeless. He could be living in the 1700's or in the 1900's.
In the period just before creating the game I watched two of the Inidana Jones movies. So when I gave my hero a hat and a brown jacket, I guess the movie was still lingering in my mind :)
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Re: Pharaoh's Secret Chamber

Postby NightOfHorror » Tue Jan 21, 2014 6:20 pm

I am playing it right now.
"I have not failed. I just found 10,000 ways that wont work." quoted by Thomas Edison.
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Re: Pharaoh's Secret Chamber

Postby NightOfHorror » Tue Jan 21, 2014 6:36 pm

I wanted to add on to my original critique:

I do notice some of the jumping bugs mentioned, but every game has bugs.

That was about the only negative I felt, but here is some positives:

I like that you added a medical kit, adds some depth.
I was having trouble getting through the first level as if the torch died faster, but something made me not want to stop, there is an addicting factor or something that makes me determined to beat it.
"I have not failed. I just found 10,000 ways that wont work." quoted by Thomas Edison.
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