im having some trouble with my goombas
whenever the original mario landed on top of a goomba he would bounce up,the goomba would be flat and mario would escape unscathed.
however in my game im using a health aspect and my character will lose health upon collision with right or left side of goomba
whenever my character collides with a goomba even when its directly above it he still takes damage and sometimes the goomba doesnt even die!
*same thing for koopa*
yvelocity = yvelocity - 4;
*thats all i have in the player collide -> topside of actor gooba repeat yes*
CreateTimer("Event Actor", "goomba_die", 3000);
points.textNumber = points.textNumber +10;
ChangeAnimation("Event Actor", "goombaflat", FORWARD);
change_dir = 2;
*thats what i have in the goomba collide with bottom side of player repeat no*
and heres a picture of my goomba(if it helps)