Hello all
I think the Game Editor has a lot of potential, I'm actually working on a platform shooter and it's gonna be awesome !
My problem comes to do those things that are so simple in C, but seems surprisingly complicated in GE.
I guess it's because the commands and libraries are different from a standard C program.
I'd really like if somebody can lighten me on the following things
- When the player loses a life in my game, he's pulled back to a memory actor ( last checkpoint). But the transition is either instantaneous ( move screen to location real fast) or
the player sees the screen moving backward. I would like to stop the game to show messages like "you died" or some crap and have the player pull ENTER to respawn. I
tried using the PauseGame() fonction but I can't find a way to disable pause by pressing a defined key. In regular C, I would've done something like this :
char in;
int out;
out = in; // this should transfer the char in the ASCI equivalent code
while(out != 13) // i'm not sure which ASCI code ENTER is... but you get the picture
but this seems impossible, there must be another way in GE to identify ASCI codes. I saw sscanf() in the fonctions, I guess it should work the same way I showed here.
So anyway, I'll keep it to this, if anybody can post a loop that works to pause game until a specific key is pushed, it would be greatly
apreciated thank you all.
Oh and here's here's a peak at my game