Come check out my Game

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Come check out my Game

Postby REDNSX » Fri Oct 07, 2011 5:09 pm

Hi every one,

I have been working on a game for the iphone and so far It's going well. What I am going to do is help non profit organizations that care for the environment and animals. This means that I will be making donations with each copy that gets sold. I am still working on the web site also but at least I have some demos of the game. If you want to check them out go to :

GE has been great and I love it. I have been using GE for less than a year and I have learn so much because people are very helpful in this forums.

Thank you.
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Re: Come check out my Game

Postby Hblade » Fri Oct 07, 2011 5:58 pm

This is genius! :D An original plot, just awesome man! :)
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Re: Come check out my Game

Postby EvanBlack » Fri Oct 07, 2011 7:13 pm

In the fish game I can't get the fish past the debris without taking so much damage I can't finish the game.

Also the alge is too close to the debris. If I touch the debris I take damage but also can't get the alge. The first set of debris you can't pass it without taking damage, then by the time I get to the ball target, I lose because I have no time left and taking so much damage from near by debris.

Also, I got the ball stuck behind the debris, there was no way I could get it out.. I lose trying to retrieve it.

Whatever that stuff is that the ball is breaking, I can barely see it on my computer screen.

I was playing the PC Demo.

On the pig game, I first couldn't pass the chili. But after I was able to hop over it the game just ended because I can't pass the fire at all...

Ok I noticed it goes down, but still the screen moves far too fast to make this game fun. Maybe have some difficulty settings. I can barely make it on to the moving platform.

Overall, based on the demos as is, these are not games I would buy. I love the concept and the game play, but the fact that they are nearly unbeatable makes me not want to play it.

Great Idea, just make it a little easier, or add challenge settings.
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Re: Come check out my Game

Postby skydereign » Fri Oct 07, 2011 10:20 pm

Very nice, I finally get to see the game. EvanBlack, I think what you are supposed to do is move backwards a bit, and get the recycle beam power, so you can blow away the debris. Otherwise as you've said, you won't be able to get by without getting hurt.
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Re: Come check out my Game

Postby REDNSX » Sat Oct 08, 2011 12:52 am

Thank you guys for the playing it. I am glad that I have some fans now and that you like the idea. :) I am so happy that you guys liked the idea. I still need to finish the game but its just polishing it a little more.

EvenBlack what you need to do is what Skydereign says. Need to go back to get the recycle blast from one of the pigs.
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Re: Come check out my Game

Postby EvanBlack » Sat Oct 08, 2011 1:34 am

Maybe put some direction in the game so ppl know that lol. I didn't. Maybe an Arrow that says, hey go this way. Also, I used up all the recycle beam power... couldn't pass debris.

I hope you know stuff like this makes and breaks games for people. Most people don't read they just follow visual cues. Also, the recycle beam shouldn't disappear after being used up. Most people, like me, will use the power just to see what it does, and use it again because it was interesting. Then they have no more power for the later area so it detracts from the game. Otherwise, I am sure it would be a great game.
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Re: Come check out my Game

Postby REDNSX » Sat Oct 08, 2011 7:21 am

There are pigs all over the level and they give you a recycle blast. I don't want the recycle blast to be on all the time because then the game will not be as challenging. Maybe I will put a indicator in the beginning so people will know about it. Then once they know the pigs give you that power it will be a little more up front on why the pigs are there. But now that you know that what do you think of the game and idea?
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Re: Come check out my Game

Postby EvanBlack » Sat Oct 08, 2011 6:43 pm

No, yeah, I love the idea! XD

I am just looking at it from a consumer/average person perspective. The thing is you need to know is that people are stupid and need things practically done for them when it comes to technology. And as technology advances to become more automated, more and more people who are unwilling to read directions or even follow them properly will be the ones paying for your ideas.

Most of the time, the EASIER (more automated) something is the more the popular it becomes. Thats why I say have a difficultly setting that adjusts your variables for these people. You have to realize also, when making a game, its not a game for you, its a game for them.

I didn't mean to sound critical, its just facts. I was trying to stress that I love the idea.. but I am not average Joe Sizlak off the street. Hell... I don't even own an Iphone. People love the Iphone because of marketing. They heard about it being expensive(not good unless it comes in a physical medium) and that anyone who is anybody has an Iphone so they had to get one too. Same thing with games, I mean look at World of Warcraft. This game is for the average person. Its incredibly Automated and allows for easy integration from knowing nothing about games to becoming an expert in weeks.

So when your designing your game, you need to keep in mind that people will talk about it critically if they can't beat the first level on their first try. Even if they don't know anything about the game. If they lose 5-6 times because they didn't get the recycle beam power, or accidently used it all up because they liked looking at the pretty circle thing, they will get bored fast and hate the game. Then they will tell their friends NOT to buy the game because its too hard.

But don't get me wrong. If they can finish the game without dying at all, or only dying twice, then they will hate the game for being too easy.

So you have to find balance and really test you game. Honestly, you could put an unlimited recycle power for until the first ball target is achieved and then give some stupid excuse why its limited now, but you MUST display the remaining ammo on screen. No one is going to know how many shots they have so they will try not to use them ever, and will cause them to get frustrated and hate the game.

You just have to be a little creative about handling the situation. Make sure that the game is for the average person, but also as the game advances the challenge gets harder. There is nothing wrong with making your first challenge un-loseable and your last challenge unwinnable. Example is punch-out for the NES. Very popular title for the almost un-winnable challenge at the end.

Trust me, I am not only a game designer, but I am a computer tech. People come in with problems all the time because they can't follow simple directions like "Next->Next->Next->OK->Finish". The average person will be the one buying your game, the average gamer will be the one trying before buying, then both will give Word of Mouth to their friends about how awesome your game is. How easy it was to pick up (because of automation), and how hard it was to put down.(because of challenge)

Also, anything that hurts your player should stand out from the rest of the game. Unless intentionally hidden, but then these items should be few and far between and easily avoidable for the first half of your game)

Your game has great potential in becoming VERY popular. You just have to be careful about handling challenge in your game. Try to limit your challenge rating for the first half of the game, the make dramatic increases for the last half. But for each challenge the reward must be exponential to the challenge. (Reward^challengerating). If the only thing someone gets when they finish an extremely hard challenge is a "You Did It!" screen. They will tell their friends not to play because the reward isn't worth the challenge. But if they got something worth getting, they will all play to the end to get the reward.

Example of a last level reward:
Challenge ratings = (0-10) 0-Almost unloseable , 10-Almost unwinnable

Last Level:
Challenge rating: 10
Reward: Promo-code 20% off next game purchase, 1 time use.
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Re: Come check out my Game

Postby REDNSX » Sat Oct 08, 2011 8:42 pm

I get you point. I am actually going to work on that this week. As far as finishing the game and getting a reward that I have done. I just need to make some things more up front and easy with some parts. Like you say it's a little hard to make a good balance because I don't want people to play the first level and say boring. So I am sure I could balance it out but it will take me this week to do it. Great feed back you are giving me.
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Re: Come check out my Game

Postby REDNSX » Mon Oct 10, 2011 5:57 am

Has any one tried the Mac demo? I want to make sure it works.
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Re: Come check out my Game

Postby skydereign » Mon Oct 10, 2011 6:01 am

I did, though you have to run it through the command line. Did you make that export using a new version of gE (the current version to download has a fix to that problem [or at least it should])?
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Re: Come check out my Game

Postby REDNSX » Mon Oct 10, 2011 9:34 am

No have not use the latest one. I will try it. So with the new one when I export it I won't have to go and do the terminal thing any more?
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Re: Come check out my Game

Postby skydereign » Mon Oct 10, 2011 9:46 am

You'll still need to use the chmod command to set the execute bit. But after that, you should be able to just double click the game file to run it.
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Re: Come check out my Game

Postby REDNSX » Sat Oct 15, 2011 12:25 pm

Thanks for the info. I still have now downloaded the new GE but i will.

I have a facebook for the game. If you guys like what I am trying to do come by and like the page. ... 3511420963

It would also be great if you guys could check out the website and give me some feed back on it. It is still under construction so if anyone has and ideas to make it better feel free to tell me about them.

Thank you.
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