'Little Red Hood'-Fail '90 made me interested in this site!

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'Little Red Hood'-Fail '90 made me interested in this site!

Postby falcon3600games » Mon Aug 08, 2011 7:50 am

I couldn't find a 'Introduce yourself' style category, so I'll just say all of this right smack dab here.

After seeing online videos of HORRIBLE games like 'ET', 'Plumbers Don't Wear Ties' and 'Little Red Hood' I gradually started thinking, "How could they ever get it into there head to sell 1/2 programmed trash like that? What if I made my own games for FUN?"

I want to learn code, and then to reasonably put the code to icons and backgrounds.

Angry Video Game Nerd's video of the 1/2 programmed, yet released 'Little Red Hood' is a nightmare I hope I never have. Just look up that horrible mess on Wikipedia or Angry Video Game Nerd's review of that sad vomit.

Not to be rude, but the application's demos are to fast and awkward to learn everything from easily enough to keep motivated though. I guess I'll be reading TONS of code information from this site.
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Re: 'Little Red Hood'-Fail '90 made me interested in this si

Postby Jagmaster » Mon Aug 08, 2011 2:04 pm

Oh man, I looked up Angry video game nerd's review of that game. I couldn't stop laughing at that miserable excuse for a piece of plastic garbage. I'd probably give you + 1 just for that. :lol:

Here's to you not emm... doing that. And welcome to the forums. :D
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Re: 'Little Red Hood'-Fail '90 made me interested in this si

Postby Jagmaster » Mon Aug 08, 2011 8:07 pm

Edit: on the contrary, it would be hilarious to do a "remake" of Little red hood, and label all the glitches as "Features".
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Re: 'Little Red Hood'-Fail '90 made me interested in this si

Postby 157pl » Tue Aug 09, 2011 12:42 am

good old avgn :lol:
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Re: 'Little Red Hood'-Fail '90 made me interested in this si

Postby Jagmaster » Tue Aug 09, 2011 1:38 am

I did a quick google search and found the sprites for Little red hood. XDDD
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Re: 'Little Red Hood'-Fail '90 made me interested in this si

Postby NightOfHorror » Tue Aug 09, 2011 7:25 am

AVGN is awesome. My favorite was Super Mario Bros3 video.
"I have not failed. I just found 10,000 ways that wont work." quoted by Thomas Edison.
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Re: 'Little Red Hood'-Fail '90 made me interested in this si

Postby falcon3600games » Wed Aug 10, 2011 7:36 am

Jagmaster wrote:Oh man, I looked up Angry video game nerd's review of that game. I couldn't stop laughing at that miserable excuse for a piece of plastic garbage. I'd probably give you + 1 just for that. :lol:

Here's to you not emm... doing that. And welcome to the forums. :D

I am partially motivated to actually do my OWN version of that game, BUT MY version would be completly better than that trash.

I'd give her a gun and bombs, I'd make ALL of the art look great, I learned game art basically from refining my drawing ability from Mario Paint. My roads, cars and trees look great!

You actually looked up 'Little Red Hood'? I didn't think anyone would care to even reply to my posts. I'm an oldschooler 27 year old still stuck thinking Star Fox 64 is perfection. lol.

Thanks for all the replies so far. It adds to my motivation to work with the game editor program, the demos loaded to it are too fast and awkward to work with.
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Re: 'Little Red Hood'-Fail '90 made me interested in this si

Postby skydereign » Wed Aug 10, 2011 7:59 am

I still don't get how the demos move to fast. All you do is move the mouse and it will pause the demo. I know they aren't the best demos, but they are meant to introduce you to how gE works, which they effectively do. I wouldn't look to them for more than an introduction.
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Re: 'Little Red Hood'-Fail '90 made me interested in this si

Postby Jagmaster » Wed Aug 10, 2011 2:37 pm

I will do a remake of Little red hood and it will be entitled "Little Red Hood the epic remake" :twisted:
It will be awesome, and lame, and a poor representation of GE and it will only take me about 5 minutes :twisted:
She shall wield the epic slingshot of mass destruction. :twisted:

-Oh! my dear little red hood, thank you for your comming!-

If none of this made any sense to you...

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Re: 'Little Red Hood'-Fail '90 made me interested in this si

Postby NightOfHorror » Wed Aug 10, 2011 6:53 pm

Well why your at it you should help bunny's get world domination.
"I have not failed. I just found 10,000 ways that wont work." quoted by Thomas Edison.
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