Spawn point help...

Non-platform specific questions.

Spawn point help...

Postby friedfish » Thu Mar 15, 2012 2:31 pm

I've been working on gameEditor for a few weeks now and I'm loving it. This is awesome. I need some help on setting up the spawn points. Here's what I have at the moment.

spawntimer - an 8 second countdown when the next spawn will be.
spawnpoint - a point in the level where the enemy will spawn.
enemy - the enemy that will spawn.

Global Script:
int secleft = 8;
int frame = 0;

currently I have a draw actor event for the spawnpoint that checks if the seconds left is 0. if it is then create actor enemy.

I was able to create an enemy every 8 seconds on 1 spawn point but then I want to create enemies on more than 1 spawn point. I tried cloning my spawnpoint actor but the enemy only spawns on 1 of the spawnpoints and not on the other 1.

I also tried to create another actor and named it spawnpoint2 (not a clone) with the same event and action as the spawnpoint actor but it still did not create the enemy.

any other ideas I can use? or am i doing something wrong? Thanks community.
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Re: Spawn point help...

Postby jimmynewguy » Thu Mar 15, 2012 4:56 pm

I'd have to actually see the code in order to tell you what the problem is. But this here is a cloned spawner that creates enemies every 1 second (or 30 frames in this game, which is where the if(timer % 30 ==0) comes in, in case that confuses you) You can post an example of yours, or the entire code if you don't like this and I can help you from there
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Re: Spawn point help...

Postby skydereign » Thu Mar 15, 2012 6:00 pm

Just from what you posted, it sounds like you are dealing with the issue of global versus actor variables (which is something jimmynewguy uses/fixed in his ged). So, chances are if you change your global variables to be actor variables, each spawn actor will work independently of the others, and all spawn enemies.
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Re: Spawn point help...

Postby friedfish » Fri Mar 16, 2012 12:48 am

@jimmynewguy: woah! that was much simpler than I thought... you're awesome... I was able to find a solution to my problem but it wasn't cloned spawnpoints.. its only 1 spawnpoint spawning enemies on different positions using a for loop.. but now that there's a much simple one...

would you mind if i borrow or use your code on my game? I'll give proper credit. thanks... :D

@skydereign: it was actually the global and actor variable which i do not know about until now...
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