As far as your first questions in concerned, there are of course several ways of doing so... I improvised a work-around in my current project, being script-challenged (as I am) I had wanted to add a "warp" event for my player (which would warp him to a random location within the view). So what I did was create an actor (cleverly named "player_warp") and adjusted it's z-depth to put it behind the background image, and created a crazy path with like fourty points to move through in 25 frames. This made the actor zig-zag like crazy all around the view at a very rapid pace... therefore, on the keydown event for the player to warp, I simply used a script that changed it's collision state (so it would not die if colliding with anything)and move-to-player_warp(at a 9000 velocity), and then re-applying it's collision state. Works like a charm... but as I said, it's not what someone who knows how to script would do...