Question about Paths

Non-platform specific questions.

Question about Paths

Postby Just4Fun » Wed Feb 18, 2004 6:47 pm

How do I change my Actor (Actor1) from using the Collision event-->"physical response any object" to following a specific path and then back to a "physical response" again?

I want Actor1 to follow a path around Actor2 *only* when Actor1 comes into an area around the Actor2.

When it leaves the Actor2 area, I want Actor1 to once again collide using the "physical response with any object" action. :?:

My gratitude in advance... Still working on this and getting a little better. Before long, I might have a little demo to send to Makslane... :wink:
I've learned that I still have a lot to learn.

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Postby makslane » Thu Feb 19, 2004 1:29 am

Try this:

Put a "Region Actor" around the Actor 2, and:

On Collision "Any Actor" -> PhysicalResponse
On Collision "Actor2" -> ChangePath "path around"
On CollisionFinish "Actor2_region" -> ChangePath "no path"
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