okay I will help!
here is what you do have an invisible actor(wireframe region)and post him wherever gaps are and stuff
and when the enemy collids with the wire actor it jumps, and have a filled actor the is the child actor of(the main actor is the parent)the main actor
and when the enemys hit the filled actor they have a var(attack)
the script is
- Code: Select all
Attack = round(rand(4));
and on the event when they hit the actor also have this
- Code: Select all
if (Attack == 0)CreateActor("FireBall", "Fire", "(none)", "(none)", 0, 0, false);
if(Attack == 1)CreateActor("Arrow", "AttackShot", "(none)", "(none)", 0, 0, false);
Ect. (go all the way to 4)and have wireframe actors that change the enemy's direction, make a var called Direction, then have this script for the left going wire actors
- Code: Select all
Direction = 0;
and on the right actors
- Code: Select all
Direction = 1;
and for the draw actor event of the enemy
- Code: Select all
if(Direction == 0)x -= 5;
if(Direction == 1)x += 5;
I hope that covers most of it, If you need any more help just let me know