PerrySteven wrote:Hello, recently I've been looking into methods of having a save feature for my game, and I'm wondering whether anyone has any ideas of how to accomplish this.
I think I have one idea, but one major problem I'm facing is that with my current method, the player can easily access the save files and modify it in their own way.
Every save file can be modified by the end user in their favor, so It is rather a matter of task complexity.
That's why one must invent some sort of encryption algorithm or at least compression. Best is both.
Now about your saves .. Did you know gE already provides a system for you to save variables?
Apparently your game must be in variables or heavily dependent on variables.
Then those variables can be exported to a compressed, encrypted .SAV file by virtue of the function
More information about saving and loading .SAV files you can find in the
Game Editor Scripting Reference.