Powerup Problem

Non-platform specific questions.

Powerup Problem

Postby BloodRedDragon » Sat Nov 22, 2008 4:22 pm

Hi peeps. I'm making a game in which you can collect powerups to shoot at the enemy. I'm trying to find out how to script the action when a player picks up the power up and he is equipped with machine gun ammo and can shoot a limited amount of bullets.

Ive tried this but i dont know how to correct it:

Collision with powerup icon:
machinefireP1 = 50;

Key Down: (This is what i press to fire the machine gun)
if(machinefireP1 =>0);
CreateActor("ball", "ball", "(none)", "(none)", 0, 0, false);
machinefireP1 = machinefireP1 -1;

Pleez help
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Re: Powerup Problem

Postby skydereign » Sat Nov 22, 2008 8:08 pm

This may not be what you meant, but you it should be: if(machinefireP1 >=0);
C does not take =>, if you want greater or equal to, it must be the other way.
I would set it just to >, because you don't want to fire when you have no ammo. Also, I believe you don't want to have the bullets fire all at the same time, so you should create a timer instead of create machine gun bullet. And add a timer event to create the bullet. This would slow the machine gun shot, and make it adjustable.
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Re: Powerup Problem

Postby Killagram » Sat Nov 22, 2008 10:56 pm

While you're at it, try this:

Make all powerups only one actor. Give him an animation for each type of powerup.
Then on collision, switch the ANIMINDEX of the powerup actor.
Collision with powerup:
Code: Select all
case 0:
//powerup code here
case 1:
//powerup code here

The animindex corresponds to the order of the animations in the list of animations in actor control.

Now as you place powerups in editor mode, you can set the animation in actor control to the proper type and it will be that type in game mode. :D
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Re: Powerup Problem

Postby BloodRedDragon » Fri Jan 09, 2009 8:49 pm

Cheers guyz. i feel a bit stupid now putting => instead of >=.
BTW i have like 0 points and i've been on this forum for a year. Nobody gives me any points. Should I make more posts?
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Re: Powerup Problem

Postby mrgame » Fri Jan 09, 2009 10:59 pm

you get points for helping people not how long ya been here :). look at me. i never use to use the forum much for posting. and ive been here along time :) only just really started posting here so i will start helping peoples but i have barly any points at the moment.
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Re: Powerup Problem

Postby BlarghNRawr » Sat Jan 10, 2009 5:37 am

dont know how i got my points lawl :P
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