I found this video from youtube some time ago:
And I thought it was quite amazing.
So I thought what about making a game use that same system to produce
the effect of depth.
And here is what I've done now, a little demo game that will allow you to see a 2D game with the realistic sense of depth in it.
It may take some practice to learn to cross your eyes enough to make the 2 pictures to come 1 but I learnt it very quickly.
This idea could be developed if there is people interested in it.
What this demo does is simply that it has the game and a canvas that uses my Resolutionarys codes to draw the same game to the other screen.
Hey wait, did I say the SAME game?
It actually draws NEARLY the same vision. The objects are just moved in x coordinates a little to produce the effect of depth.
The more the object is moved the closer it will seem to be. The movement of the actors is controlled with an actor variable 'z'.
The actors z values are defined at their Create Actor events, go and experiment with them!
I hope this at least creates some conversation here
