1. I know DST through MSN, so I keep in contact with him to the date
2. Makslane might be able to fix it. But I'm sorry to say, that you can't count on him in such matters. DST PMd mak on
issues dealig with GE's marketing, and future. He showed disagreement in the way mak was handling the situation of GE,
accused him for not accepting the help of the users who otherwise may have the ability to do such help. Makslane didn't
like DST's straight forward explaining of his thoughts, and to avoid any sharper contact, disabled his account.
3. This question is rather hard to answer. DST goes on, since he has his own stuff to do. Continues his plans, and as far as I
know still uses GE for (at least 1 or 2) of his current project. His view wasn't that GE is a bad software, plainly that he
thought that GE with the power that could be in it, has not evolved - eventually mak's fault.
4. I asked DST, and he said that it was about a month - 3 weeks ago.
I told DST about you suggestion, though he'll be seeing our posts soon, since he still has been visiting the forums - but as guest.
Now I'd like to post a warning to every user.:
We all have oppinions. Some are positive, some are negative, some may be undesided. I'm not sharing my view, because nobody has asked. If you are asked your oppinion, I suggest, that no matter how sharp it is, no matter how bad you think of GE, or really we're talking about anything in general; then laying out your thoughts in the sharp way is never an explanation, no matter how true you are.
We are all of the same species, the Homo Sapiens, therefore, we are all gifted with the understanding of what others say, and gifted with the minds, to experience in an inner way, what the others feel. But a sharp answer causes a sharp, unthought-of answer from your (else maybe) friend's view.
Mak tries to be a friend, and help, and its effectiveness may be doubtable, but for such reason we should not be sharp. Most of the times, a kindly warning, or a friendly way of laying out thoughts is all you need to do, for others to consider you.
May your view be sharp to yourself, but calmly set forth to your friend!