remove that animation finish event and instead put:
animation finish->slashright->script editor->
- Code: Select all
char*key = GetKeyState();
if(key[KEY_RIGHT] == 1)ChangeAnimation("Event Actor", "Run_Right", FORWARD);
if(key[KEY_RIGHT] == 0 && key[KEY_LEFT] == 0)ChangeAnimation("Event Actor", "Stand_Right", FORWARD);
if(key[KEY_LEFT] == 1)ChangeAnimation("Event Actor", "Run_Left", FORWARD);
and on animation finish->slashleft->script editor->
- Code: Select all
char*key = GetKeyState();
if(key[KEY_RIGHT] == 1)ChangeAnimation("Event Actor", "Run_Right", FORWARD);
if(key[KEY_RIGHT] == 0 && key[KEY_LEFT] == 0)ChangeAnimation("Event Actor", "Stand_Left", FORWARD);
if(key[KEY_LEFT] == 1)ChangeAnimation("Event Actor", "Run_Left", FORWARD);
I hope that helps, if there are any problems let me know.