if (badguycount <= 3) {
CreateActor("badguy", "badguyanimation", rand(310) - 620, rand(view.width) - view.width* 2, true);
if (badguycount <= 3) {
CreateActor("badguy", "badguyanimation", "(none)", "(none)", rand(310) - 620, rand(view.height) - view.height* 2, true);
//Between -500 and 500:
rand(500 * 2) - 500;
//Between 0 and 500:
//Between 250 and 500:
rand() % 250 + 250;
//That is, rand() modulo (%) the range you want plus(+) the base
//Between -250 and -500:
(rand() % 250 + 250) * -1
//Between -250 and 500:
rand() % 750 - 250
if (badguyscanspawn == 1 && badguycount < 3)
if (badguyscanspawn == 0) DestroyActor("Event Actor");
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