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Postby JimJamJom56 » Tue Sep 13, 2011 5:49 pm

I have made a game called Musik. :D

Its a little Pocket PC program that plays different tones.

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Don't be surprised if I say something Pocket PC related :P

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Re: Musik

Postby NERDnotGEEK » Tue Sep 13, 2011 9:57 pm

Nice and Simple, and very nice start, I like the way it slides up :D

I hope your going to add more to it? like say the ability to record a small 5 second sequence. then after that maybe the ability to have that 5 second sequence play over and over in a loop so you can build up on it :) you could make a rather powerful midi sorta tone tool here :)

Just thought id jot down some things that you could add. easiest to hardest :)

1) Chord mode (broken and full)
2) Record a sequence of notes.
3) Play Back sequence of notes.
4) Save sequences
5) record two or more sequences and have the ability to play both back at the same time to create even more in depth music
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Re: Musik

Postby JimJamJom56 » Wed Sep 14, 2011 5:31 am

How would I record/playback?
Don't be surprised if I say something Pocket PC related :P

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Re: Musik

Postby skydereign » Wed Sep 14, 2011 7:37 am

All you need is an array holding when an event happens. So when you press a key to make a note, it records when you did (and the channel it was played in), and then when you release it records that as well. Then as you play it back, you check the time, and if it is time, you play the sound (storing the channel it is played in), and when the event calls to stop it (you can tell due to the channels).
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Re: Musik

Postby JimJamJom56 » Wed Sep 14, 2011 3:29 pm

Hmm... I dont really understand :P
Could you make an example or something?
Don't be surprised if I say something Pocket PC related :P

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Re: Musik

Postby skydereign » Wed Sep 14, 2011 10:43 pm

Well here is a pretty simple one. It isn't as clean as it could be, but it works. Press the top pacman to start and stop recording. When you aren't recording, right click it to playback. I changed your setup a bit. If you were going to use inheritance, you don't need to add the unique events (the play sound a-g) to the actor you inherit from. Though, what I ended up doing was just make the buttons all clones and use cloneindex to save different notes.
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Re: Musik

Postby JimJamJom56 » Sat Sep 17, 2011 12:40 pm

Yay it works! :D
The recording is really easy to understand.
Press start to start recording.
Press stop to stop recording.
Press the green arrow to play back.

Thanks skydereign for the help! :D
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