Could you make a review of Dimension 55355? I could grant you a +1!
Information about TEH GMAE:
Well, you probably know the story..
In my toPic Me wrote:There is little guy who has came to new dimension by accident and really needs
help for getting back home. Help him to make his way out of the maze.
I really don't know. Depends on the player.
For me it takes... about 20 minutes (I think..?) to complete it,
BUT I remember
all the levels, so it's just running through them for me. It might take hours for someone else.. =)
le charge lifter
I think you know my GE name (LCL)
But IF you meant my real name, then I'll go with Lassi Lehtinen (good luck trying to pronounce that
(you can alway write that to google translator and listen it in finnish to get an idea
gameslcl@gmail.comanything else: hullo!
The topic for the game:
viewtopic.php?f=6&t=10333Download link (can you put this to the description of the video? (Windows and Linux)): for making you read that badly written and in all other ways horrible message. =)
I would be really thankful if you could do this!
- lcl -