I tried some things by myself, like a variable on balls actors, the collision adds +1 to the variable and when it's =3; the ball destroys itself. It works, but it inly destroys the two balls in collision, and not the third. So I did this on destroy event:
- Code: Select all
but it doesn't work.
Does anyone have any idea how to do it? Watching on the forums, I saw that it would certainly be better to use an array, but honestly i didn't understand any of it...
Another thing I saw was hexagonal cells or something like this, you know, some code to have the bal automaticaly placed at a given coordonate, and not just where it collides. something like a grid. Any idea how to do it?
I know I've asked a lot lately, but as I have no work fort the moment, i have all my days to work on games, and i'd like to use as well as i can.
Thanks in advance, nykos.