Game Editors Future At Risk?

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Game Editors Future At Risk?

Postby Turon » Wed Aug 14, 2013 8:18 pm

I have heard reports that Game Editor is dieing.
There are only 2 or 3 developers working on the 1.5 version of game editor that was announced a while ago.

I have some Questions
1 the 1.4 version of Game Editor had a big list of developers what happened to them?
2 How come are there only 2 or 3 developers now?

1.5 is a I think will be a great improvement I take back all I said about it being "to Complicated", I am looking forward to it!
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Re: Game Editors Future At Risk?

Postby skydereign » Wed Aug 14, 2013 10:26 pm

Turon wrote:I have heard reports that Game Editor is dieing.

People have been saying this for many years. They are primarily talking about the forums though, not gE as a piece of software. It is true there hasn't been any new release for a couple of years, but that will be changed next month.

Turon wrote:1 the 1.4 version of Game Editor had a big list of developers what happened to them?
2 How come are there only 2 or 3 developers now?

gE never had a big list of developers. You are talking about the collaborators. These are people who were helping gE along, but not necessarily writing actual code. Those names you see are from earlier versions of gE, and where members of the forums. There have been code commits from only four people. And now makslane and akr don't have the kind of time to really develop for gE, so currently it is just me.

Turon wrote:1.5 is a I think will be a great improvement I take back all I said about it being "to Complicated", I am looking forward to it!

Aside from the compilation problems the additions to 1.5 need many adjustments before we can release them. Releasing it now would ensure that it would fail. Since akr is no longer working on 1.5, it'll be a while till it is released. But while I'm getting it to work, I'll still be releasing new versions of gE 1.4.
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Re: Game Editors Future At Risk?

Postby Lacotemale » Thu Aug 15, 2013 8:57 am

This thread probably belongs in "Game editor development"... but anyway I do have some questions of my own.

1. Will Game Editor 1.5 be able to open 1.4 projects or convert them? For those of us with long term projects it would be terrible to be stuck with version 1.4 even after 1.5 is released.

2. Are you getting paid to work on this Sky or doing it out of the kindness of your heart?

3. Will Game Editor ever be able to export to Android right from the "File>>Export" menu? This would be great as currently building a apk file is kinda messy. (and I haven't managed to produce a working one yet) :|
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Re: Game Editors Future At Risk?

Postby Turon » Thu Aug 15, 2013 12:42 pm

So Makslane is not working on it skydereign is?
And so the 1.5 version has no Collaborators right?
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Re: Game Editors Future At Risk?

Postby Lacotemale » Thu Aug 15, 2013 1:07 pm

Yeah, thats the way it seems. Sky is the only developer.
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Re: Game Editors Future At Risk?

Postby skydereign » Thu Aug 15, 2013 11:22 pm

Lacotemale wrote:1. Will Game Editor 1.5 be able to open 1.4 projects or convert them? For those of us with long term projects it would be terrible to be stuck with version 1.4 even after 1.5 is released.

Yes, 1.4 projects will be compatible with 1.5, and no gE versions are reverse compatible.
Lacotemale wrote:2. Are you getting paid to work on this Sky or doing it out of the kindness of your heart?

I'm not getting paid, so you could say it is out of kindness. But, developing for gE has its advantages, aside from the satisfaction of contributing to the project that got me started programming.
Lacotemale wrote:3. Will Game Editor ever be able to export to Android right from the "File>>Export" menu? This would be great as currently building a apk file is kinda messy. (and I haven't managed to produce a working one yet) :|

If I can get that worked out, yes, though minimally it should prepare the android project to be built. I have yet to start anything official for gE and android, perhaps I'll get something for 1.4.2.
Turon wrote:So Makslane is not working on it skydereign is?
And so the 1.5 version has no Collaborators right?

Right, though currently I am only working on 1.4.1. After that is released I'll also spend some time working on getting 1.5 cleaned up.
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Re: Game Editors Future At Risk?

Postby lcl » Thu Aug 15, 2013 11:38 pm

Skydereign, your plans sound very good, and it seems that you have the motivation that is needed for developing GE! :D

I will probably go to study programming after I've finished high school. If I do that and if I learn enough, I'd love
to contribute to GE's development.
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Re: Game Editors Future At Risk?

Postby Lacotemale » Fri Aug 16, 2013 12:45 pm

Thanks Sky! Your answers were like music to my ears.

I know the export to Android would be difficult but if you could accomplish this I think GE would finally be considered for alot of game devs.

As far as myself helping out, I do have years of college in Software development. However, I don't feel my experience fits the area of GE. Also I am starting a software dev. job soon, so even if I had the right skill set my free time is gonna be limited.

What I could do and many others could too is help you out with donations of money perhaps. A donate button on the download page would be good. :)
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Re: Game Editors Future At Risk?

Postby Hblade » Tue Aug 20, 2013 4:03 pm

Sky: That will be changed next month? Now I'm excited lol
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Re: Game Editors Future At Risk?

Postby Jagmaster » Tue Aug 20, 2013 4:30 pm


Check out the announcement page for 1.4.1. :)

Lacotemale wrote:What I could do and many others could too is help you out with donations of money perhaps. A donate button on the download page would be good. :)

Hey, that's a pretty good idea.
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