What you don't like in Game Editor?

Ideas for Game Editor evolution.

Postby Joshua Worth » Mon Jul 31, 2006 9:33 pm

Didn't you see that Makslane has completely changed the interface? You dont have to worry...
Stay sweet
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Postby Janet Merai » Tue Oct 24, 2006 2:34 am

In my eyes, I see Game Editor beating the stuffing out of other programs which offer less than what they say.

As this relates to what I do "not" like in this game editor, I would say the following:

Version 1.3.5 only

1. Too little tutorials

2. I see no option to create your own tutorials to show others hundreds of techniques
- One can wonder just how powerful this very system would become just by being enabled and letting novices to starters get the idea in around a half hour flat :)
Seeing as how there are scripters and advanced users, I see this a powerful learning tool :D

3. There is only text support for scores and high-scores, RPG or any communication between actors is non-existant and I would love to have support for this :)

4. There is no option to place a picture for text in speaking to an actor, this would be great for RPG games :)

5. The order of actions, events and so on are very primitive-like and need to be organized to the point where certain events are more important than another event.
- Take a look at RPG Maker XP and the 2.x series, they are VERY in-depth with the order of events but lack certain aspects and features

6. Sprite stripping in Game Editor, which Game Maker has, is lacking.
Users should be able to define boxes in a collection of sprites in one image and capture the pixels in the boxes, again check out Game Maker, the latest version, and see how Sprite Stripping is done :)

7. Paths are unpolished and there is literally no management to it at all what-so-ever. Perhaps intead, you can work on the path system more and include even more management, including a simple path end feature.
Everytime I create a path, I always get a wonky path or it repeats itself when I tell it to end. Maybe it is buggy? Anyways, this should be looked into as well :)

8. This editor heavily lacks text and image editing, as in squash and stretch and other techniques to make your images/text look unique.

9. The moving is highly primitive and should be worked on.
For non-programmers, it is confusing but looking at the tutorials would help. Still, the movements need to be worked on and simplified rather than technically identified :P

10. Levels and rooms are missing from Game Editor.
The Activation Regions are a unique feature, but this seems to only be for games like Mario and Metroid. Support for games such as Zelda and other RPG series like Final Fantasy is missing. Take a look at RPG Maker XP and notice how they do rooms, you just make a new room and a hierarchy is already created for you, you can even add onto it and make more hierarchies and go on forever.

11. Game Editor is more for simple game making, anything advanced requires programming. Maybe a Wizard or an easy way of making features for people do who not undersetand a programming language will help starters and people who do not want to learn to program.

12. Management for actors, actions, events and so on are missing, without these Game Editor suffers countless hours and frustration =/

13. I will update more when I get there :)

Overall, I have used a ton of Game Editing programs which do not come an inch closer to this program.
I admire your work Mak, please do not stop making this engine :D
Even people who don't understand programming much can make a simple game! :D
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Postby Parrot » Tue Oct 24, 2006 4:52 am

Please take my comments here as heartfelt constructive criticism. I like Game Editor, but I don't believe it's the best game creating application available.

I know some people can be all googly eyed and will scoff at any alternative as though software was their religion. Please keep in mind that I'm not trying to bash Game Editor, I'm just pointing out qualities I don't like.

(I know there hasn't been any badmouthing in this topic, but I always feel a need to put that kind of disclaimer up just in case).

1. The Language
C is a hard language to learn. In college I learned C++, but I haven't used it in several years. Every time I go back to fiddling around with Game Editor after a few months I have to re-learn concepts that I never have to deal with in other programming languages.

Most other game making programs and application builders use their own created language that is much easier. I know that it's too late to change Game Editor's programming language, so I'm not asking for that. It's just one of my main frustrations with the program so I thought I'd mention it.

2. The Activation System
I know that programmers have a right to protect against piracy, but I can't help but feel violated by eSellerate's strongarm tactics. I re-install Windows a few times a year, I've already run into an activation problem once and had to get Makslane to fix it for me.

And what happens if eSellerate goes belly up? Or what happens if Makslane goes out of business? Then I guess I'm screwed, right? I won't be able to install my legally bought software any more.

3. The Scripting Window
It just doesn't act like it's suposed to. When I hit the back arrow at the beginning of a blank line, I expect that line to be deleted and have the cursor move up one line.

I also think it's strange that the cursor always goes to whatever line I click on, even if the page is blank. If the page is blank I expect the cursor to go to the first line no mater where I click, that's just the standard.

4. The Tutorials
The interface for the tutorials could be a lot better. Having to move my mouse in order to progress to the next section seems very strange. And sometimes I move it, but apparently the system doesn't think it's moved enough and does nothing, so I need to move it more, while trying to be careful not to move it off the GE window (I assume that will disrupt things).

There should be a rewind and fastforward button, or some way to step through parts of the tutorial and perhaps review different sections and pause at will. Something similar to the way the way Viewlet Builder does things would be nice.

5. The Documentation
I find using the online documentation to be a hassle. Instead of online, it should be in a local Help File that can be better organized and more easily searched. There should be more code examples and beginners examples.

Game Maker's help files, for example, are very in-depth and comprehensive. If you use them as an example you will be in much better stead.

That's all I've got for now. If I think of anything more I'll post it here.
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Postby pavel329 » Wed Oct 25, 2006 3:00 am

GE is incredible.The only thing that messes with me is when you creat the view its very choppy.Like when your character walks left to right it quickly changes the screen like frames.So my character looks like he keep tleporting backwards or something.
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Postby Sgt. Sparky » Thu Feb 22, 2007 6:23 pm

too much complaining!
http://game-editor.com/forum/tp-3034--D ... 1-354.html
http://game-editor.com/forum/viewtopic. ... 6175#16175 Knight Archer
> http://game-editor.com/forum/viewtopic. ... 6535#16535 <
the one right above this is one that just got started by me today :)
example of what you can create with GE!
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Right now (10/14/2009) I'm working on some C++ projects, but I might be able to help if you have some Game Editor questions. :)
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Postby Zenzuke » Thu Feb 22, 2007 8:48 pm

Some suggestions of things I find midly annoying.

You should allow exporting time limited executables for all the platforms in the demo, so you could check the performance in certain devices. I delayed buying the program because I didn't know how well it performed on the GP2X. A kind user made me a quick demo with my graphics and I was sold :D

Sprite flipping support will be invaluable. I don't even need scaling or rotating, but flipping is very necessary.

Easier support for external levels made with external tilesets will be a big plus. You can make an exporter from within the editor to load levels on the fly. Now you have to program the thing yourself and it can be a very daunting task.

Easier support for menus & score or endgame screens will be nice. Maybe support "scenes" in a flash kind of way. This will also keep the stage from getting too crowded and difficult to manage.

Easier access to all the script snippets of an actor. Now it feels cumbersome.

Better collision support (it fails sometimes when you try to do not-so-standard stuff like friction or wall jumping).

A main loop where you can put most of your game scripts will be awesome (I'm not so experienced as to know if it exists already).

Sorry for my bad english and lots and lots of thumbs up for the application, it rocks hard!
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Postby Luke playa » Thu Feb 22, 2007 9:08 pm



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Postby makslane » Thu Feb 22, 2007 9:14 pm

Thank you for all posts.
I will close this thread now.
You can post other request in separated posts.

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