Multiple geds in one game?

Non-platform specific questions.

Re: Multiple geds in one game?

Postby jcflysrc » Thu May 19, 2011 7:45 am

Seriously, whats the big deal? I asked a simple question, and I've not gotten a simple answer.

NO you CANNOT have a SINGLE GAME through multiple geds as there will be multiple files. we still count that as a single game ...

That statement there is in contrast to what you just said. And frankly it seems a contradiction to me. So if you or anyone else wants to give it to me straight then thanks for that. But to be honest, I don't know what to think. One tells me one thing, and someone else says another. I dunno. Like I said I'm not here to stir up sh*t. Just to learn. And to make my game function like I know it should...thats it. So if you can break it down on "how" you accomplish that, I'm all ears.
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Re: Multiple geds in one game?

Postby skydereign » Thu May 19, 2011 7:51 am

rykein, I'd suggest you stop, as clearly you guys aren't understanding each other. jcflysrc, mind going on chat? It'd be easier to straighten this out that way. Here's what rykein meant.

You can have a single game using several geds, but it involves having several files. (1 exe and any number of .dat files)
We still call this a single game because you play it like one game. You load the menu, and don't have to open any new files, the "game" does it for you.

You cannot however have a single game with multiple ged files in a single exported file. Each ged must be exported to a unique file, so games created like this will look like this.

To us that is still a single game, although it uses several files. It seems this is where the confusion is coming from.
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Re: Multiple geds in one game?

Postby jcflysrc » Thu May 19, 2011 7:56 am

OK for the sake of discussion. And maybe some clarity.

I have multiple geds. I want to make them all into one game. I would like to have that game on my desktop...or yours...or anyone else's that would like it. I would like for them to be able to click on a pretty little icon, and have that game load up and play, problem free. Thats it. Now I think what I'm asking is ; IF you know how to accomplish that, then please tell me. Like;
1. Do this
2 Then do this
3 Then do this
4Etc., etc., etc.

Is that clear enough?
I'm not trying too rattle any cages here. Just trying to get the info that will help a poor stupid a**hole such as myself.
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Re: Multiple geds in one game?

Postby skydereign » Thu May 19, 2011 8:00 am

If a single game means a single file for you and you want just a pretty little icon, then use one ged. Combine the different geds you have been using to create separate levels as to have only one file, you have to have only one ged. Each ged you use means another exported file.

If you are okay with various .dat files also on your desktop, you can follow these steps.
Have the menu load level1.dat, as you will be exporting the level files as .dat files.
Export the menu as a .exe.
Export the individual levels as .dat files.
Now if they are all there in the same directory, you should be able to load the menu executable, and the game should properly load the levels.

Ignore if you don't want to here any extra about the subject.
What games often do though is have only one loadable game (the .exe file), and a bunch of data files. These data files cannot be played by the user unless the exe loads them. This way you can create a single game inside a folder, while keeping each level in an individual file. And by game I mean linked files that form a single playing experience. You can even use a windows installer to make the folder install in Program Files, and create a shortcut like other games do.
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Re: Multiple geds in one game?

Postby jcflysrc » Thu May 19, 2011 8:07 am

I made the files into .dat files. I can make the menu an exe. Thats easily understood. But I don't understand what is involved in getting them all into a single playable file, exe, or whatever. I just want to be able to export the game in its entierity, and have it function as it is supposed to. I apologize if my wording is misleading, or whatever, but the title of this post should be a clue as to what I am trying to do. You guys are knowledable in this program, and you know what I want. What I am trying to accomplish. But unless you spell it out to me, I don't get it. I apologize to anyone I have offended, but that is not, or ever was my intent, so don't take things to personally. I really just like clear concise information, and thought I had made clear what I was trying to do.
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Re: Multiple geds in one game?

Postby jcflysrc » Thu May 19, 2011 8:15 am

This way you can create a single game inside a folder, while keeping each level in an individual file. And by game I mean linked files that form a single playing experience.

That makes perfect sense. So if you want to distribute this must distribute the folder? You see this is where I think we are losing each other. I thought the game (all of its files) could be compiled to run from a single click...of say a pretty little icon. Where are we missing the point here? I understand about file hierarchy, and file extensions etc. But I have failed to understand how to put multiple geds into my game and have them run from an exe. I'm sorry for beating this dead horse, but I need a picture i geuss.
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Re: Multiple geds in one game?

Postby jcflysrc » Thu May 19, 2011 8:22 am

if a single game means a single file for you and you want just a pretty little icon, then use one ged. Combine the different geds you have been using to create separate levels as to have only one file, you have to have only one ged. Each ged you use means another exported file.

I got that ok. I understand. I realize that the game is going to be made up of seperate files. I never said I only wanted to use one ged. Or one .dat, or one anything. I know when I click on my Black Ops Icon, it is referencing many files, not just one. I want to be able to have the end user click on an Icon much the same way, and be able to play the seperate files I have created. Is that too hard?
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Re: Multiple geds in one game?

Postby jcflysrc » Thu May 19, 2011 8:24 am

I dont have a mic, or whatever. So it's still just a text thing for me. So if you can help, thanks.
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Re: Multiple geds in one game?

Postby skydereign » Thu May 19, 2011 8:28 am

By chat I meant the gE chat room. Look at the top of the site near the right, it say Chat, that is what I meant.

No it isn't hard, that is exactly what we have been asking if you wanted. To do that, you should be able to follow the steps I and others have mentioned before.

1. In your menu (the file you will click to start the game), load the first .dat files, like the following code.
Code: Select all

2. Export the the menu file as a .exe file.

3. In the level1 ged, make sure any LoadGame calls use the proper extension. So, to load level2, use this.
Code: Select all

And to reload the menu, this.
Code: Select all

4. Export your level files as .dat files.

Now the user should be able to click the menu.exe file and play the game. If you want to add an icon to the exe, then add an icon. Otherwise the menu.exe will have the pacman icon as its default icon.
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Re: Multiple geds in one game?

Postby lcl » Thu May 19, 2011 8:29 am

You can create a shortcut to your exe file that starts the game.
Even if the shortcut was moved to desktop, it will open the game from the folder and it will work perfectly and load the levels saved as dat files. :)

Thats for if you want to make it launch from desktop, but without needing to have any other files on desktop.

Was that what you needed? :)
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Re: Multiple geds in one game?

Postby jcflysrc » Thu May 19, 2011 8:36 am

I think it makes sense, but I still have to figure it out with the actual doing of it. I thought I had tried this already, and got a broken result, but I will keep trying. Thanks for the help fellas, no worries....
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Re: Multiple geds in one game?

Postby lcl » Thu May 19, 2011 8:40 am

Making a shortcut is easy (in windows at least).
Just click the file with right mouse button and select create shortcut.

Now opening that shortcut will open the actual game file. :)
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Re: Multiple geds in one game?

Postby jcflysrc » Thu May 19, 2011 9:11 am

Triumph at last! Now that's what I'm talking about. I got it. It all worked as it should, and now I'm happy. I just wasn't getting it for some reason, the whole seperate file thing running off the exe was throwing me off. But I got it. Thank you ALL, for your patience or lack thereof. Try and understand how frustrating it is to have to pick through the information and to try to figure out what is meant, and how it applies. lcl, and sky, thanks for your help, and I really mean that. I know I was a little frustrated, and I apologize if I insulted was not meant to be taken personally, and I do apologize. I can be that way sometimes, but man after flogging this thing for as long as I have, and feeling like I was getting nowhere...well I'm sure you all understand, or at least I hope you do. Thanks again. And I'll try not to be such a bother next time...and there will be a next time...believe me!
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Re: Multiple geds in one game?

Postby rykein » Thu May 19, 2011 9:18 am

yeah... sorry bout that. glad you got it working and we (more like i) didnt scare you off.
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Re: Multiple geds in one game?

Postby jcflysrc » Thu May 19, 2011 9:26 am

No worries. I thank you as well. I know you were just trying to help. I know my tone was bad, but hey, I'm over it. I can be pretty thick in the head sometimes. :wink:
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