Z Buffer problems - even though I shouldn't have them!

Non-platform specific questions.

Z Buffer problems - even though I shouldn't have them!

Postby IPete2 » Thu Mar 10, 2005 8:19 pm

Hi - can anyone help please?

I am making a demo game viewed from the top down looking down at about 45 degrees.

I have used a couple of single graphics to draw 'tiles' to make an interesting and varied background, these overlay a desert brown background colour.

I have an actor and some trees, who swap z buffer positions with each other so the character is over the top and underneath the trees, depending


The problem comes when I put a 'score' text actor over the top and try to make it stay on top of everything else. I have used a z-buffer of 1.00000. I have created a 'create actor' and a 'draw actor' scripts which do the same, but the score still goes underneath my single graphics which are actually the lowest z-buffer wise???

Anyone got any clues please? I am using the demo of 1.28


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Postby makslane » Thu Mar 10, 2005 9:35 pm

Change the view zdepth if view is parent of score
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Postby IPete2 » Thu Mar 10, 2005 9:48 pm

thanks I'll try that.


... a moment later... yahoo thanks! That works great!
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