GE Newbie with Some Questions...

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GE Newbie with Some Questions...

Postby BlenderFreak » Sun Sep 26, 2010 8:33 am

Hey all,
I found out about Game Editor just a couple days ago through the Blender 3D forums - something about wanting to make Blender 3D and Game Editor compatible (or something of the like, I really don't remember). However, I'd been looking for good, open-source 2D game-creating software for quite some time, and this seemed like an awesome idea. So far I've had a *lot* of fun with it (and it's only been a day!). So far I haven't gotten frustrated with all the much - though that's because I have some experience with game logic in Blender 3D.

I have just a few questions that I couldn't find the answers to through searching google or the forums (at least nothing recent or that was entirely useful).

1. I'm creating a pixel-style (very low quality graphics, but good gameplay - I hope) "pirate" game, and would like to have the option of setting the level to end once a certain score is reached (say 2000 for now). Does anyone know a simple way - or can you provide a script - to do this?
- I have already created a coin and an enemy which give points, and a score board that works in terms of changing the numbers when points are received.
- If it's a script, could you please provide a brief instruction on which script should go where and such? Sorry. I'm used to logic bricks and the like - haven't done much coding apart from showpointer scripts in python. :?

2. In the trailer on the home page, there was a clip with a game being played on the DS..? So it is possible then for these games to be transferred to the DS platform? I know a few people who would really enjoy playing a game I've created on their DS. I've got Ace Cards for the DS (three), so I have a place to put the file. But if anyone can give me details on how this is done and how commands from the GE are related to commands in the DS (i.e. how do I control the "L" or "R" buttons, the stylus movement and tapping, blowing into the mic, etc), or if this really is possible, that would be greatly appreciated!

3. I have an animation for a ninja that follows a simple path, and I even have animations for when he turns to face the other direction. Unfortunately, however, he just follows the path and then walks backward. I know it's a simple problem, but somehow in all my attempts I cannot manage to get him to turn around when he goes back along the path. So if someone could tell me how to get the "cute" little black pixel ninja to turn around when he reaches the end of the path before retracing his steps, that would be really awesome! (:

4. This is a big problem for me right now, and it's really irritating that I can't find a way to work the timers or anything to make it operate the way I want it to, so I'd be really grateful if someone could provide the answer to this. My pirate character can shoot bullets left and right. Awesome. And I've disabled the "repeat" option for firing bullets in either direction so that the player has to press the appropriate button in order to get a single shot, then press it again for another. However[b], not only do my enemies only take one piece of damage, the shots are consecutive and can be fired one after another extremely quickly. Could someone please tell me how to create a delay timer between shots? About 10 seconds or so between shots would be really good, I think. I'd really appreciate it! Otherwise this game will be way to easy! :wink:

. I haven't done it yet, but I plan on going through the checkpoint tutorial I found. However - unless the tutorial will tell me how to do this, is it possible to set it so that when my character collides with the "death" material I have underneath the level (I called the actor "death", and set the collision so that when my player character collides with the actor, the game ends), instead of the game ending, he simply loses a point of life and then returns to the spot he was at when he fell off the edge of the level?

6. This ties into questions 4 and 5, I think. I couldn't find a decent tutorial on some *really* basic health points. I don't want a health bar for this game (I'm trying to keep the HUD as simple as possible so that it's more old-school mario-style! :D ), but I do want my pirate character to have 3 hits before he dies. I'd also like to give HP to the ninjas (again not visible). Then I'd like a delayed death so that the death animation can have a chance to play before the character returns to its original checkpoint (assuming I'm successful in creating checkpoints with the tutorial I still have yet to go through), and I'd like the same thing for the ninja. I have the ninja "destroy itself" and add a coin as soon as its dead, but I'd like to play a reaction animation before he "becomes a coin". I believe these all have to do with the delay timer I asked about in question 4. Just let me know if you have a way to do this! Thanks so much!

7. I think that this is my last question for now - I know I'll have several more down the road, but if these get answered it should be enough to give me the boost I need to continue finding my way around Game Editor. I've created as much of the main menu in the main menu tutorial I found in the forums, though I'd like to know how to load a saved game, how to have multiple save files and how to save your character's progress in an individual level (save his most recent checkpoint), as well as how to advance from one level to the next. (:

I think that's all for now. I plan on making enemies that chase your character and throw things at him in later levels, but for the first level I believe that answers to these questions are all that I'll need. :D If you can answer just one of these, that'll be a BIG help to me, and if you can answer all of them... well... you're definitely gonna be my favorite person for a while. :wink: Let me know if you can answer any of these or offer pointers and such. Like I said, today was my first day, I had a lot of fun, and would like to keep having fun and learn my way around this so far awesome 2D game maker! Thanks so much! And thanks for taking the time to read all this!
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Re: GE Newbie with Some Questions...

Postby savvy » Sun Sep 26, 2010 9:58 am

O_O overwhelming...

1. use if function
Code: Select all
level+=1; etc

2.the DS function isnt possible YET, but may be soon.

3.why are you using paths, can we have more info on the ninja (movement, what he does etc)

Code: Select all
create the bullet;
create a timer of 1 second to make it 1 again;

5.use savevars in the tutorial for the checkpoints.


7. use the LoadGame("game.exe"); function

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Re: GE Newbie with Some Questions...

Postby skydereign » Sun Sep 26, 2010 10:14 am

Hmm... savvy beat me to it, but here's what I typed up.

1. A simple way to do that is to have an if statement that checks the score, and ends the game if it is above whatever value.
Code: Select all
    // You probably don't want to actually close the game, if you have a menu
    // This code actually closes it, so if you need help with that just ask

2. That is not a DS, it is a gp2x I believe.

3. This really depends on what you want. I wouldn't suggest using paths, unless it is relatively intense a path. If you do use a path, make two, one for moving left, and one for moving right. You can use the Path Finish event, and pick the path, and in script use ChangeAnimation and ChangePath. Path finish for right, would set both to left, etc.

4. For bullets you probably don't want to use a timer for the reload. I would make a variable for that. I'm not entirely sure what you want with the firing, you said you have to press buttons in a certain order to shoot, so this might not be completely what you want, but if nothing else it should point you in the right direction.
Firing Event (repeat disabled) -> Script Editor
Code: Select all
// put the CreateActor for your bullet here

Firing Event (repeat enabled) -> Script Editor
Code: Select all
    // put the CreateActor for your bullet here

5. Yes this is quite possible. Depending on what tutorial, I believe there are several, it will tell you how to. If not, in the collision event you would place an if, and set the right variables to reset the position and lower life count.

6. If you have an animation, or some other movement code in the death sequence, then you can use AnimationFinish/MoveFinish events to do what you want. You could also use a timer if there is no such movement/animation. Regardless, in the event that ends it, you would put the code to create the coin, or go back to the checkpoint. In the event that normally would kill you, you would create the timer, and on the timer reset the player. Not sure if this question was also supposed to be about HP, but you make variables for hp, and use that. You don't need an hp bar, but if you need help those tutorials should explain it.

7. This one will take a bit of explaining, how much of saveVars and loadVars do you know? As well as variable use in general. The multiple saves will require you to know how to use strings, but all of it is quite doable. There are several tutorials on simple use of saveVars and loadVars. If you need help locating any tutorials I can post the links here. I kept most of these explanations brief but if you want more detail just ask. Depending on how you structure your levels, you may or may not need LoadGame, since that will only load a certain ged/exe/.dat etc.
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Re: GE Newbie with Some Questions...

Postby SuperSonic » Sun Sep 26, 2010 8:01 pm

Hey, I didn't know I was the only "blender freak" here. :D
Sorry, but I also found out about GE a couple of days ago, and don't know enough about it to answer your questions :(
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Re: GE Newbie with Some Questions...

Postby BlenderFreak » Sun Sep 26, 2010 10:24 pm

Yeah hahaha sorry I looked back at the post and was like "Whoaaaa that's a lot more questions than I thought I had!" rofl :lol:

1. Thanks! Both the codes work! And I'm sure I can find several other uses for the if function. Thanks for that one!

2. Aw darn, well thanks for letting me know!

3. Yeah I'd really prefer not to use paths, but it was all I really knew how to work in GE at the time (even though it takes forever to make a decent one) that would work for what I wanted. And sure! As I said, the whole game has extremely cheap graphics because I'm mainly creating it so that I can learn my way around GE before making something serious. The ninja is a little pixel character and he has four frames of walking and and stabbing his sword at the same time one direction, and then I just created flipped frames for his opposite animation. Then, of course, I have a little death animation where he just falls over. When a bullet collides with the ninja or when your character jumps on top of him, it kills the ninja (later on I hope to make enemy HP for some more advanced levels); when your character collides with the left or right side of the ninja (can't think of a simple way to make it so that it's always only the side with the sword, even when the ninja rotates. Think I'm just missing something) it will deal damage to your character - at least now that I've got the the HP tutorial and info!

4. I'll try out the bullet thing as soon as I've got time and let you know if it works! ;) seems simple enough, though, thanks!

5. Alright, looks like I need to get check out the tut!

6. Oh thanks a ton! This was all really helpful! haha I feel kinda dumb for missing some of this stuff. XP

7. Ha honestly it was never quite my strong subject. Blender uses a global library of some sort that I still haven't gotten the hang of using, so coming into C or a similar scripting language just makes it a bit harder for me to figure out. So I basically know close to nothing at the moment. And it'd be great if you could provide a few links to tutorials! I've found some tutorials on other sites for some things, but most of them either weren't very well-written or didn't really do what I wanted to. So far I have only made the main menu (which doesn't function yet, as I'm trying to learn as much as I can about save and loadVars) and am working on "level 1" which is really just my test level to figure out how I want my character to work and such. I'm a details person, so step-by-itty-bitty-insignificant-step (especially when just learning GE) tutorials will work best for someone like me. :P Thanks again you guys!

And yes! A fellow blender freak! ;) Blender is def. awesome. I've only been using it for a little over a year but I *love* it. It's what really got me into 3D design and game creation! :D
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Re: GE Newbie with Some Questions...

Postby zxcvbnm » Mon Sep 27, 2010 3:16 am

Hello blenderfreak I am krenisis . I made several tutorials to help speed up the process of learning. I have 6 step by step tutorials located here viewtopic.php?f=4&t=8680
Please bookmark that page and you will be set. Any questions on the tutorials ask and I will answer.
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Re: GE Newbie with Some Questions...

Postby BlenderFreak » Mon Sep 27, 2010 6:37 am

Heya krenisis - I actually went through the tutorials you made before I went on and posted this (at least the tuts that are in that link) - and they really did help me get started - especially the tutorial on making a platform game! :D Thanks for them!
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