Well, all of my projects either never got finished or just plain sucked haha XD
But I'm working on a new one right now that I feel pretty good about. It's called Blitz. All that I will say about it is that it is going to be a sci-fi action rpg. Hopefully, I can release a demo before 2012 for you guys
A tree never hits an automobile except in self-defence.
Well, I am currently working on a game that will be 2D two player split screen worm war game. It is playable with keyboards and joypad. The game loads levels from two bitmap image files
I am currently working on an Iphone game, called StickMcGee. It is nothing special, kind of like mario, except ALOT more simpler haha.
Here is a screen shot of the Title screen:
And here are a couple screen of "in-game" play:
So far, the game is only going to have 3 worlds with 3 levels in each, and a boss fight at the end of each world. In total, there will be 9 levels, and 3 boss fights.. I plan to make "add-on" worlds and/or other adventures of StickMcGee.