DLC debate and discussion

Game Editor comments and discussion.

DLC debate and discussion

Postby DragonRift » Mon May 13, 2013 6:52 pm

Like any game developer out there, I have a desire to eventually make money as a game developer. (my reason is mainly due to chronic health issues)

I want to know a couple things:

First of all, is it possible to do a DLC style system in a game made from Game-Editor?

Second of all, I would like to know what people think about the concept of free games that offer additional content via DLC?

I do not want to see this thread become a flame war so if you have nothing nice to say then please be silent.
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Re: DLC debate and discussion

Postby Hblade » Mon May 13, 2013 10:04 pm

It could be a bit tricky to do DCL but it might be possible. You'd have your game read from a variable using loadvars and when you come out with the DLC, you'd replace the saved file that the variable is stored in (Changing its value) and if it's 1, load the DLC at start of game.
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Re: DLC debate and discussion

Postby DragonRift » Tue May 14, 2013 12:00 am

I am sure its quite possible, however... I was more curious of what people feel about the actual approach of having Free Software that is Financially Supported using DLC based systems.
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Re: DLC debate and discussion

Postby Jagmaster » Tue May 14, 2013 12:57 am

DLC is probably a little difficult, depending on what you want to do. For in-game items you'd probably have to make everything ahead of time, script everything into the game, and then limit the player's access to the items until you have some kind of key (a text file with a serial code that the game would read, and then unlock the items). Add on levels would be pretty easy, you could just export the add-on levels as .dat files, and then update the main .exe file to recognize the level and load it.

Neither of these options are very secure, because one could simply give the key file, or level to someone else if they figured out how it works. You'd have to blindly trust your users, because Game Editor doesn't have any drm capabilities. Drm is not very popular anyways, nobody likes screwing around with it. Just look at what happened earlier this year with the whole Sims ordeal.

Regarding DLC as a design concept:
There's positive and negative aspects to it (as there is with everything).

This is based purely on speculation, as well as my own as my own purchasing behavior. I do not have field experience in this area I'm afraid.
People are probably more willing to download a full game with optional dlc than to download a limited demo. With that, you have a much fuller experience than a demo, but not as full as a full game.

Less piracy overall (I assume... I for one find piracy extremely distasteful. I haven't studied the statistics). In a mobile market, people are much less likely to pay 99 cents for a game with so much free stuff out there (seems ridiculous)

If the DLC isn't enticing enough, or not very useful, most will just ignore it. One would also have to be very careful to keep the game play balanced. If players who bought weapons are infinitely more powerful, the game will seem unfair. It's acceptable if there is some advantage though.

Here's the “ideal loop” of a freemium game (Taken from gamedev.tutsplus.com

  1. The player downloads and installs the game.
  2. He begins to play with free items.
  3. He’ll be able to kill some enemies or complete some objectives – but it’s a bit hard, he loses more than wins. He’ll repeat this step until either he becomes an addict or he uninstalls the game.
  4. He’ll see another players using amazing items and playing better because of them; here he’ll notice the Shop area of the game.
  5. He’ll spend some time scrolling through all the items he could get and imagining playing with them. (This is why it’s important for the items to be desirable.)
  6. He’ll buy the items he wants and head back to the game.
  7. He’ll repeat the above steps until the game shuts down, he gets bored, or something forces him to change his habits.
Looking at this list, we can see a few important points such a game needs to fulfil:

  • You need to create free items and a free gameplay that the player really likes.
  • You need to create amazing paid items that feel like they’re worth actual money, without them offering such a big advantage that they’d unbalance the gameplay.
  • You need to set great prices and have a lot of premium items to have a better chance of enticing your player to buy something.
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Re: DLC debate and discussion

Postby DragonRift » Tue May 14, 2013 1:48 am

Jagmaster wrote:DLC is probably a little difficult, depending on what you want to do. For in-game items you'd probably have to make everything ahead of time, script everything into the game, and then limit the player's access to the items until you have some kind of key (a text file with a serial code that the game would read, and then unlock the items). Add on levels would be pretty easy, you could just export the add-on levels as .dat files, and then update the main .exe file to recognize the level and load it.

Neither of these options are very secure, because one could simply give the key file, or level to someone else if they figured out how it works. You'd have to blindly trust your users, because Game Editor doesn't have any drm capabilities. Drm is not very popular anyways, nobody likes screwing around with it. Just look at what happened earlier this year with the whole Sims ordeal.

Regarding DLC as a design concept:
There's positive and negative aspects to it (as there is with everything).

This is based purely on speculation, as well as my own as my own purchasing behavior. I do not have field experience in this area I'm afraid.
People are probably more willing to download a full game with optional dlc than to download a limited demo. With that, you have a much fuller experience than a demo, but not as full as a full game.

Less piracy overall (I assume... I for one find piracy extremely distasteful. I haven't studied the statistics). In a mobile market, people are much less likely to pay 99 cents for a game with so much free stuff out there (seems ridiculous)

If the DLC isn't enticing enough, or not very useful, most will just ignore it. One would also have to be very careful to keep the game play balanced. If players who bought weapons are infinitely more powerful, the game will seem unfair. It's acceptable if there is some advantage though.

Here's the “ideal loop” of a freemium game (Taken from gamedev.tutsplus.com

  1. The player downloads and installs the game.
  2. He begins to play with free items.
  3. He’ll be able to kill some enemies or complete some objectives – but it’s a bit hard, he loses more than wins. He’ll repeat this step until either he becomes an addict or he uninstalls the game.
  4. He’ll see another players using amazing items and playing better because of them; here he’ll notice the Shop area of the game.
  5. He’ll spend some time scrolling through all the items he could get and imagining playing with them. (This is why it’s important for the items to be desirable.)
  6. He’ll buy the items he wants and head back to the game.
  7. He’ll repeat the above steps until the game shuts down, he gets bored, or something forces him to change his habits.
Looking at this list, we can see a few important points such a game needs to fulfil:

  • You need to create free items and a free gameplay that the player really likes.
  • You need to create amazing paid items that feel like they’re worth actual money, without them offering such a big advantage that they’d unbalance the gameplay.
  • You need to set great prices and have a lot of premium items to have a better chance of enticing your player to buy something.

I highly appreciate people's opinions as long as they are not destructive. :)
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Re: DLC debate and discussion

Postby Hblade » Tue May 14, 2013 2:26 am

You'll find these forums are quite friendly, we keep everything clean here :)
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Re: DLC debate and discussion

Postby Jagmaster » Tue May 14, 2013 4:02 am

Yes siree keep everything clean. I really hope I didn't sound destructive, as it was not my intent at all.
But yes, my post can be summed up as "Yes, in my opinion DLC can be very good and successful method as long as you make sure everything is well thought out."

But yeah, I did some quick googling on the subject and found it was a rather touchy subject with a lot of hate. :shock:
I think most of the dlc hate comes from players who pay upwards $60 for a game, and can only get the "full experience" if they shell out another $40 dollars on dlc.
People generally don't take kindly to disk locked content either. (Can't blame 'em)
In this respect, dlc should enhance the overall experience for those who are willing to invest more into their favorite game, not hinder those who aren't.

Oh, also- I read your introduction post and heard you've been in the industry for a while. I shall enjoy hearing your insights and experiences! :)
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Re: DLC debate and discussion

Postby knucklecrunchgames » Tue May 14, 2013 3:22 pm

Check out my game diamond grounds. There's Dlc there
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Re: DLC debate and discussion

Postby DragonRift » Tue May 14, 2013 10:07 pm

Jagmaster wrote: I really hope I didn't sound destructive, as it was not my intent at all.

Not at all, I actually enjoyed your response as it was a good inspirational read. :)

Jagmaster wrote:Oh, also- I read your introduction post and heard you've been in the industry for a while. I shall enjoy hearing your insights and experiences! :)

I have had my up and down situations in the industry and am far from a "perfect developer" is such a thing even exists.
(I have had more failures then successes however I plan to change that)
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Re: DLC debate and discussion

Postby knucklecrunchgames » Sun May 19, 2013 10:19 am

I think DLC is a great idea, I'm making a game where you can buy DLC worlds.
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Re: DLC debate and discussion

Postby Wertyboy » Mon May 20, 2013 3:30 pm

(Not working on Enblast right now, Done.)
OK so I heard that you guys going to make DLC system, well I havent try to make one but I've got an idea, here is how it works:
- DLC file should be an installer, because if compressed file, kid will destroy the entire game. Ok, make an installer that install right in your game (Will be better if your game use installer, too). Installer contains the DLC files (YOU DON'T SAY)
- Before that, create the DLC files: Add your DLC stuff into the game then save (save anywhere else than the original game folder if you still want to keep your original game). So if you install the DLC file through the DLC installer, game will change to what you've changed... I meant... DLC stuffs will be there.
Example, this guy, KCG, want to make DLC Worlds:
So this is what you should add into the game:
- Worlds select (Original Game File): Add "Download More Worlds" Button
- Worlds select (DLC File): Add "The DLC World" Button and the "Download More Worlds"
- And the file of "The DLC World"
And don't forget to make the installer for the DLC

Well... The thing is if you use this method you can only install one DLC... since I still have no idea how to make 2 DLCs installed as the same time

OK, fine, another method then:
Plan all of the DLCs first, then publish the game, so here is what to add into the game:
- Worlds Select (Original Game File): Add "Download More Worlds" Button, Add "Downloaded Worlds" Button, when clicked the Downloaded Worlds Button, show up a menu or a dialog or a popup or switch to another the screen or something like that, add this: All of your planned DLC Worlds button, but remember, hide them, use some event like Visibility State. Now with the DLC World Buttons:
Like if you downloaded DLC1 (DLC File), add a save file with variable "dlc1=1"(DLC File), then add script to the button: if(dlc1==1) {event that show the button} (Original Game and DLC File)
So if you want to add more but you've already released the game, make an update, add more world buttons, add more variables. You know what to do next.
Now for the DLC Worlds, add script to the buttons load the world, like loadgame (Yeah it is the only method so whatever)
After that, add DLC World File (Another file, not the savefile or the worldselect file) for the DLC File (add into the installer)
That's it, if you want more, ask me.

But seriously, I'm bored.
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