by Diana Kennedy » Thu Dec 22, 2005 4:42 pm
I am also a newbie, so I let answer the others for the rest, but as for shooting, Here is how I do it:
First I do 2 different animations. First let's say, of a guy walking. Than one of the guy falling down shot. Then, in GE, I create actor "guy". In the actor control panel "ad animation" I load the animatoion of the walking guy and then the animation of the guy shot. The actor has now 2 animations. Then I click in "Events ad" the option "mouse down", then I choose "left" and then ad the action "Animation finish". -> change animation -> and I then choose the new animation "shot". Then in the game mode, I see the actor walking and when I click with the mouse on it, he falls down. Of course, there's more to do. On the animation "shot" ad Animation-finish - change direction - stopped (or he will repeat falling down for ever) Also a new mouse down event -> play sound I can ad the sound of a gunshot.
What is essential to know is that you will have to create the necessary animations outside of GE, in a graphic programm.
I recommend you to go trough the embeded tutorials to learn the basic use of the interface. I know its still not easy then. I am also plain learning. But people here are very supportive.