I know many have asked this issue, and i know there are ways to fix it.
Searching through the forum didn't made me find the answer to my question.
I am currently busy building a platform game.
I already finished all the animations for the player/actor.
>> 20-12-05 Update:
But I came across the following problems:
The player can crouch, and crawl but crawling is just to the right.
The character still need to be able to climb up, down, climb left, climb right and hang in both directions.
The character still needs to be able to shoot.
>> The player can now jump, and the double jump bug is solved!
I've put my file of the project online for anyone who could help out..
This file is clean without the jump scripts but with all the animations.
Is there anybody who could help me? i would really be greatfull.
I am a noob when it comes to programming.
Screenshot so far: