Apple FAQ: iPad, iPhone, iPod, Mac HOWTO

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Re: Apple FAQ: iPad, iPhone, iPod, Mac HOWTO

Postby Kodo » Tue Feb 22, 2011 10:20 am

Maybe that is whats missing in these forums, a Mac/OsX only area. These Mac and iPhone threads are getting very hard to follow simply because of their length :(
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Re: Apple FAQ: iPad, iPhone, iPod, Mac HOWTO

Postby needaname » Mon Feb 28, 2011 7:06 pm

so at the risk of sounding noobish, how do i ftp my dat files onto my device? from my limited understanding of ftp, it is for uploading to websites. step by step would be much appreciated. i just got geplayer working on my friends device and would like to start messing around with stuff.
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Re: Apple FAQ: iPad, iPhone, iPod, Mac HOWTO

Postby Kodo » Mon Feb 28, 2011 7:58 pm

First off when you run geplayer on your device you'll notice that it tells you some important bits of info right at the top (the IP address and port number). You need these to connect.

You need some fpt software, FileZilla does the job perfectly go and download it and install it.

Run geplayer on your app, and run Filezilla.
At the top of theFilezilla screen you'll see various boxes, fill them in as follows:

Host: the IP address as displayed on your device.
Username: leave blank.
Password: leave blank.
Port: the port number as displayed on your device.

Click the 'Quickconnect' button.

You should now find that Filezilla connects to your device and shows the directory structure on the right.

You are now connected.

In Game Editor load up your game. In the file menu click 'Export', click the 'select' button and chose where you want to save your exported version of the game.

**Important: You must EXPORT your game file as geplayer.dat or it will not run.

Now with thesave location set click the 'Export Type' button and select 'Game Data Only (iPhone, iPad or game level without executable engine)'.
Now click the 'Export' button.

Now you have your exported game, and a connection to your device.
Navigate in the left window of Filezilla to the location of your new geplayer.dat file and drag it across to the right window. Your game will be copied to your device.

To run your game just click the 'Stop FTP Server' button on your device.

Extra info: When you click the 'Stop FTP Server' button the game looks for the geplayer.dat file and loads it. You can also copy other data files to your device that can be loaded from geplayer.dat, so level data, save game files etc are all fine and you can call them anything you like.
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Re: Apple FAQ: iPad, iPhone, iPod, Mac HOWTO

Postby Hblade » Mon Jun 27, 2011 1:01 pm

aureta wrote:Hi., I download succeful your Geplayer aplication for Ipad,Iphone and Ipod...

I developed an aplication for ipad in game editor and export for ipad (dat file)
I do all step, and my application run in ipad, but in a litlle windows similar a Ipod touch,
how do full screen in ipad for Geplayer


Make sure your game's resolution is built for that of the ipads.
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Re: Apple FAQ: iPad, iPhone, iPod, Mac HOWTO

Postby Kodo » Mon Jun 27, 2011 1:15 pm

I've had feedback from iPad users that have bought Firetop Adventure even though I didnt design the game for that device, it seems that they run it in 'x2' mode and they are quite happy with it. As far as I'm aware (I dont have an iPad to do tests on) if you want to produce a full screen iPad App you'll have to do a specific version of your game for it. See in the Config/Game Properties/Game Resolution section of Game Editor for resolution options.
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Re: Apple FAQ: iPad, iPhone, iPod, Mac HOWTO

Postby Oman » Tue Jun 28, 2011 4:49 am

Just a heads up/possible bug. I have set up my game for 1024x768 (ipad resolution) and on the geplayer for my ipad it cuts most of the image and only displays the top left portion of the view actor. In other words, it is loading the entire game, but the geplayer app is only displaying portion of it. I don't have the knowledge to change that in the code of the GEplayer app or a jailbroken ipad with which to test my changes. I believe that the geplayer app needs to be changed to be a "universal app" and automatically set up its resolution for the device it is on (eg. if the app is downloaded on an iphone 4, the resolution is 960x640, but on an ipad the resolution is 1024x768, on an older gen iphone is believe the resolution is [edit] 480x320). Sounds like the team need to submit an ipad specific version of the app.

Does anyone here know what i mean?
Last edited by Oman on Tue Jun 28, 2011 3:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Apple FAQ: iPad, iPhone, iPod, Mac HOWTO

Postby schnellboot » Tue Jun 28, 2011 5:25 am

Oman wrote:on an older gen iphone is believe the resolution is 320x240).

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Re: Apple FAQ: iPad, iPhone, iPod, Mac HOWTO

Postby Kalladdolf » Sat Oct 01, 2011 12:34 pm

Hello again.
Currently I'm experiencing some technical difficulties trying to transfer my geplayer.dat onto my iPod.
It has worked before and I have always followed the given instructions perfectly well, but today FileZilla came up with the following:
Status: Connecting to
Error: Connection timed out
Error: Could not connect to server

Status: Waiting to retry...
Status: Connecting to
Error: Connection timed out
Error: Could not connect to server

It is as if I've never even joined the network.

I am using a Mac; AirPort shows a yellow icon when active, saying "Self-Assigned IP" which, I guess, applies to the network itself.
I have tried using security codes, playing around with various options here and there, but so far I've had no luck.
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Re: Apple FAQ: iPad, iPhone, iPod, Mac HOWTO

Postby akr » Sat Oct 01, 2011 1:11 pm

I suppose you are using the ip address displayed by geplayer.


Any firewall in between?

Try to ping your device. Does it work? If yes, open a manual ftp session with terminal....
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Re: Apple FAQ: iPad, iPhone, iPod, Mac HOWTO

Postby HitoV » Sun Oct 02, 2011 9:35 am


Have you tried disabling wifi on the touch and then re-enabling it?

I get this error every time at work. For me it seems to only connect once and work. When I restart geplayer and try to connect again it gives me that error. I have to disable wifi on the touch and then re-enable it for it to connect again. Hope it works for you, I am not sure why it does it though. On my router at home I don't have to do that.
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Re: Apple FAQ: iPad, iPhone, iPod, Mac HOWTO

Postby Kalladdolf » Sun Oct 02, 2011 10:54 am

Thanks for the advice.
I tried what you suggested, unfortunately without success.
Now I tried using my fairly old vista laptop and it worked fine at the first attempt (which makes me wonder about Apple's compatibility performance, even with its own devices).
It looks like I'll have to transfer my files from computer to computer more often from now on, but I'm glad I've found a solution.
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Re: Apple FAQ: iPad, iPhone, iPod, Mac HOWTO

Postby Fojam » Wed Oct 26, 2011 6:49 pm

ok with the new GE 1.5, i have an older version of geapp. will i need to compile the newer one on the site for the physics stuff to work on iphone?

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Re: Apple FAQ: iPad, iPhone, iPod, Mac HOWTO

Postby peedalein » Tue Nov 01, 2011 4:58 pm

Hi everybody,

I use GE 1.4 and and old ipod with GEplayer to develop and test my game.

I want my app to use the following resolutions:

on old ipod/iphone: 480 x 320
on iphone 4 and above: 960 x 640

How do I make one app in different resolutions? Is GE able to detect the device I am using and switch the resolutions accordingly?

Thanks for your help!
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Re: Apple FAQ: iPad, iPhone, iPod, Mac HOWTO

Postby skydereign » Tue Nov 01, 2011 8:55 pm

Retina resolution isn't supported by gE currently. So, for now, you can't.
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Re: Apple FAQ: iPad, iPhone, iPod, Mac HOWTO

Postby peedalein » Wed Nov 02, 2011 7:24 am

Ok. Thanks for the answer.
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