The moment you leave an activation region, everything in it is destroyed. Since view determines activation regions' effects, the main way to make an actor survive is to make it a child of view. This is what child/parent means, that it shares xy with the parent. This is much different than simply mimicing the xy of an actor.
This makes activation regions somewhat difficult to use (because chances are player is not a child).
The best solution i can give you is to allow actors to overlap regions, for instance, if player 1 is 32 pixels wide, and the two regions are 30 pixels apart, player1 will be in both regions at once. He will not die in the transfer.
With your score, healthmeter, etc. the solution is to make them children of view. View's children will always be in the active region.
You can either spawn actors in the new region or make them children of view, then unchild them once they're in the new region.
Its a case of 'the best things about this feature' are also 'the worst problems with this feature'.
To compare it to the 'rooms' that other game making software uses; you have to place each actor in every 'room' or 'activation region' it will appear in;
Yes, it is an issue. But if actors survived from one region to another, then what would activation regions really mean? They are there to destroy unused actors!
One final note: Activation regions only work in exe format; they don't work the same in the editor preview mode. So always test your exe to see what they're actually doing.
I hope this post helps and doesn't confuse further.
"Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it."
-Brian W. Kernighan