by pyrometal » Fri Apr 25, 2008 8:15 pm
If you download the GED file (on first page) and look at the codes, you'll notice that all the text isn't actually in text actors, but everything is printed onto a canvas! It's the most complicated thing I've ever done, and its also really hard to explain. Basically I have a function that seeks validity of a function name. When a function's name is recognized, stats are loaded for the following input to come. The color of all the letters are stored in an array which is used when printing strings onto the canvas. You\re gonna have to study the code pretty hard to understand more of that though... sorry. The code has very limited explainations since I hadn't planned on releasing it, but did in the end. Since this release failed so hard, I think I'll be a little while without posting demos... Unless I feel people would actually be interested, I'll keep stuff for myself from now on.
Free, open-source & crossplatform pixel art editor (currently under construction).