enemy shooting

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Postby d-soldier » Sat May 19, 2007 4:58 pm

I had to jump through all those hoops too... I just renamed the font he already had in the directory... had to move a gif from the data/sub dir back to the data, etc... :cry:
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Postby dimster » Sat May 19, 2007 5:09 pm

kk srry bout that but i dont understand why it would do that. (and if i added the old data file aswell the zip file would be too large)
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Postby d-soldier » Sat May 19, 2007 5:27 pm

dotn sweat the small stuff... did you fix it?
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Postby dimster » Sat May 19, 2007 5:31 pm

not yet, been trying everything i can think of...

the boss still wont be created... but i may just end up making 3 or 4 seperate actors and make it so when hes hit the first gets destroyed and the next takes his place.
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Postby dimster » Sat May 19, 2007 5:32 pm

i think ill leave it for a while and come back to it later, with a fresh mind.
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Postby d-soldier » Sat May 19, 2007 5:46 pm

You dont have to think of things to try, just follow the instructions I gave a few posts back (see page 1 of this topic, at the bottom)... I fixed the problem doing exactly what I said, and it works perfectly.
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Postby dimster » Sat May 19, 2007 7:24 pm

d-soldier wrote:... First let me say, cool game man. Did you make all the graphics youtself? Pretty cool little game here...
Okay, so here's what I did to get it working... exactly what I said above. I dont know if you didn't save it after trying the scripts I gave you, but nothing was setup as I said it needed to be. The life variable was still global, there was no create actor script for theboss, and the draw actor script still had all that junk in it.
1) Click on on the SCRIPTS tab in GE, click GLOBAL CODE, the VARIABLES, EDIT / LIFE, switch from global to actor.
2) Click on THEBOSS (be sure it doesn't accidently click the fireball below him as i did a few times) and bring up the actor controls. Click "add event" / "create actor" / "Script Editor". In that blank script use:



and remove eveything from the script, and paste in:

if ( life <= 0 )
DestroyActor("Event Actor");


Thats it, I'm watching the wizard running all around the screen shooting fireballs at me right now. And dont worry about not being good with the scripting, I was asking the same questions just a month ago, and getting frustrated when people would answer without being speciffic enough to really help me due to my limited understanding. Let me know how this works out.

thnx i made most graphics myself (using paint lmao) i used a few images from another game for templates to make the characters (if i sell this game i will contact that game maker with copyright queries)

oh and i hadnt saved it before i sent you.

ill follow your steps and hopefully it will be nice to me and work *fingers crossed* :wink:
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Postby dimster » Sat May 19, 2007 7:47 pm

ok, it works now, (well he appears in the right place)
ive written all the scripts the way you said, all thats left to do is the script for fireball collision, what would that be? (i want the boss to have about 10 lives so the fireball should be taking away 10life for every collision.

oh and one more question... you know a good name i could use for the game? (i cant think of one :P )
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Postby d-soldier » Sat May 19, 2007 9:27 pm

For damage to the boss, under his actor control, add a collsion with the player's fireball, and under the script for that collision, put:

life -=10;

Your on your own when it comes to naming your game though... :lol:
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Postby dimster » Sun May 20, 2007 7:33 am

lol kk... i was putting
if("fireball") collisionstate ("boss")

and nothing happened lol

ill try ur way soon thnx
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Postby Tytan McAnguns-PL » Sun May 20, 2007 7:55 am

In boss collizion on fireball in script editor health -= 10;
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Postby dimster » Sun May 20, 2007 8:50 am

yehaaa!! it works perfectly. thnx tytan and d-soldier :lol:

now im gunna make a health bar wich i think i can do from what ive learnt, thnx :wink:
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Postby dimster » Sun May 20, 2007 9:04 am

actualy i dont think i will, i wanna finish the game soon and i cba to get into another problem :P
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Postby arcreamer » Wed Jul 25, 2007 6:20 am

hey guys i was looking all around the Support forum and i have seen a bunch of different scripts and i have seen ... if (canjump == 0)
and i saw that that had 2 equal signs but i dont know why instead of just one and now ive seen if(health <= 0) but why did the first equal sign get changed to arrow symbol or whatever its called? whats the difference between 2 equal signs and an arrow and an equal sign?
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Postby DilloDude » Wed Jul 25, 2007 8:44 am

< means less than, > means greater than. So
Code: Select all
if (var1 < var2)
means if var1 is less than var2. <= means less than or equal to. You can also use ! to mean 'not' (!=, !>, !< etc.) note that !> is the same a s<= and vice versa.
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