everyone on this site is awesome at art

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Re: everyone on this site is awesome at art

Postby sonicforvergame » Mon Jan 14, 2013 4:57 am

NO let's not forget it and talk a bit
here is some advice so this dosen't hppens again

POST some screenshot of the actual game(that mean when you are playing)generally post more than one screen shot
Talk more about your game (say what you think of it;what you should normally do when play .....ect)
if someone ask you what the game is Tell him what the game is do not make people download a game they will get confused

So here are the tips next time try to do as i said so you don't get mad and other people to

Finally why did you put a sad smiley before :?:
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Re: everyone on this site is awesome at art

Postby skydereign » Mon Jan 14, 2013 5:44 am

sonicforvergame wrote:NO let's not forget it and talk a bit
here is some advice so this dosen't hppens again

I wasn't going to step in, but if we are trying to give out good advice, here is some for you. Don't be impatient with other people. If he doesn't want your help, don't force him to. While I'm sure you ultimately were trying to help, you went about pretty poorly. You ended up getting impatient, calling him annoying, and claiming he was trying to trap people into downloading his game. If you get irritated with another user here, or on the internet, just ignore them. Getting worked up and being spiteful, won't do you any good. These forums are for helping people, and discussing gameEditor.
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Re: everyone on this site is awesome at art

Postby sonicforvergame » Mon Jan 14, 2013 4:24 pm

I was impatient because he couldn't make a point
And i said it was a "trap" because i was first quite impatient (and you were right about that) but also because he just didn't tell me what his game is even thought i told him i couldn't download it because i had problems with my firewall and internet and still told me to download it
I would like people talking about they're game before posting it because knux just said BLACKY is a friend
And finally i wanted to help him in his graphics because he said he was bad at them


It will be good for all GE users
AND IF SOMEONE WANT SPECIAL HELP(like Hblade ho is now asking me for sprites)PM ME PLEASE
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Re: everyone on this site is awesome at art

Postby knucklecrunchgames » Mon Jan 14, 2013 4:43 pm

sonicforvergame wrote:NO let's not forget it and talk a bit
here is some advice so this dosen't hppens again

POST some screenshot of the actual game(that mean when you are playing)generally post more than one screen shot
Talk more about your game (say what you think of it;what you should normally do when play .....ect)
if someone ask you what the game is Tell him what the game is do not make people download a game they will get confused

So here are the tips next time try to do as i said so you don't get mad and other people to

Finally why did you put a sad smiley before :?:

cause you called me annoying :oops:
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Re: everyone on this site is awesome at art

Postby sonicforvergame » Mon Jan 14, 2013 4:49 pm

I just got ....... read the topic before that one and you will know
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Re: everyone on this site is awesome at art

Postby knucklecrunchgames » Mon Jan 14, 2013 5:47 pm

sonicforvergame wrote:SORRY :(
I just got ....... read the topic before that one and you will know

I understand
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Re: everyone on this site is awesome at art

Postby sonicforvergame » Mon Jan 14, 2013 6:07 pm

ok now try to post more screenshot next time
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Re: everyone on this site is awesome at art

Postby NightOfHorror » Mon Jan 14, 2013 11:05 pm

Good thing I didn't step in when it was still arguing. As sky said, this is a place for encouraging, not discouraging. Also, didn't he say he would stick with his own graphics.
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Re: everyone on this site is awesome at art

Postby sonicforvergame » Tue Jan 15, 2013 4:52 am

he did but this was the first PM i gave him
in my first PM i offered my help and he said he would use my help if he needed it
But he didn't answer me back on any topics or didn't give me a PM about it
So i started asking him time to time and he still didn't answer
Finally he said he didn't want my help but that was after a week
if he did told me before i would at least could able to finish my game which i didn't because i was always confused and waiting his answer
When he said he will stick with his own graphics i wanted to see how GooD they will be
And if they weren't good i will feel sorry for him and a little bit upset because he didn't want my help
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Re: everyone on this site is awesome at art

Postby skydereign » Tue Jan 15, 2013 5:46 am

sonicforvergame wrote:he did but this was the first PM i gave him
in my first PM i offered my help and he said he would use my help if he needed it

If he got the pm, and didn't respond, that should be a clear sign that he wasn't interested. Now there is a chance he didn't see it, in which case you would see that the message was still in your sent box. Not all users know to check their pms. Even if that were the case, if your post was ignored, that should also be a clear sign that your services weren't wanted. While it is true, at some level you would expect a response declining the offer, some times it is better to not respond, as it may more directly hurt their pride/feelings/what have you.

sonicforvergame wrote:And if they weren't good i will feel sorry for him and a little bit upset because he didn't want my help

This is one of the reasons why ignoring your request would have been an appropriate way to deal with the situation. You need to be more humble. Even if your graphics are better, that isn't the only point. People like making their own games, and with that their own graphics (you improve by doing, not by having someone else do it for you). Also from your previous posts, you don't have very much respect for others' art, which can be very annoying to deal with. If he had posted a screenshot, and your graphics were better (or at least you thought they were better), you would have told him so.

sonicforvergame wrote:Finally he said he didn't want my help but that was after a week
if he did told me before i would at least could able to finish my game which i didn't because i was always confused and waiting his answer

Why would this stop you from working on your game? Unless you were sitting their every minute checking if he wanted you to make art, you could easily have gone about working on your own game. In the future, I recommend you don't assume people want your help, until they ask.
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Re: everyone on this site is awesome at art

Postby sonicforvergame » Tue Jan 15, 2013 4:17 pm

My art is .......Good :roll: i think .Much people like them and my hd game sonic (i have a topic for it called green hill zone version 0.9 is on) Is HD
and good even version 0.9 i made 1.2 and is even better
you should check those pages and i never said to someone that his graphics are bad if i did i would always say after that,that if help is needed i am here for CUZ I know that my graphics would be appreciated

Now those are the TOPICS and PLEASE tell me if it's good 8)



You will see in that topic (the 2nd one)that Knuckles crunch game appreciated my game and his graphics
i will wait your answer
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Re: everyone on this site is awesome at art

Postby skydereign » Tue Jan 15, 2013 6:57 pm

sonicforvergame wrote:you should check those pages and i never said to someone that his graphics are bad if i did i would always say after that,that if help is needed i am here for CUZ I know that my graphics would be appreciated

I can easily imply something, without ever stating it. Insisting your graphics are better is one way to do that. And just because knucklecrunchergames or anyone else likes your game, doesn't mean they want you to do their art, especially if you keep insisting.

sonicforvergame wrote:Now those are the TOPICS and PLEASE tell me if it's good 8)

I doubt you really want me to critique your art, last time someone asked me to do this he ended up challenging me, which was rather awkward. Unlike most gE users, I don't really like sugar-coating my critiques. I feel it does the person a disservice. So, don't take any of this the wrong way. But, since you asked... It looks like you rip, scale, and edit the graphics of others. Even if that isn't what you do, it appears that way, making it seem less appealing than it might actually be. For instance, your custom shadow's feat look blurry as if scaled down. If you can make art as good as that shadow almost is, and then leave out a detail like the blurriness of the foot, you don't have much respect for your art. This, as well as you put others' graphics in your "my art free" seem to support that idea (not to mention ripping tiles from mario for Hblade). As for the green hill zone, it is pretty safe for me to assume you are using graphics from official sonic games/high production fan made ones (the tree you originally claimed as your own, you even mentioned it wasn't yours).

Now that elephant you did, sums up the idea that you are scaling existing images down, and editing them. It lacks definition that you would normally find if you drew the image yourself. While that stylistically could be deliberate, your other graphics don't support that idea. You also were making a big deal about how your graphics suck, which usually ends up with people telling you how great they are, and not to beat yourself up. This is an attention trick, and usually good artists, though disliking their own work, don't use it for many different reasons. The people on gE are very lenient and supporting, sometimes to a fault.

So, to sum it up, I don't think your art is good, if it is even really your art. It could be you've just done a poor way of presenting it, and you do have a lot of skill. But for now, I can't see it.
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Re: everyone on this site is awesome at art

Postby knucklecrunchgames » Tue Jan 15, 2013 8:12 pm

sonicforvergame wrote:he did but this was the first PM i gave him
in my first PM i offered my help and he said he would use my help if he needed it
But he didn't answer me back on any topics or didn't give me a PM about it
So i started asking him time to time and he still didn't answer
Finally he said he didn't want my help but that was after a week
if he did told me before i would at least could able to finish my game which i didn't because i was always confused and waiting his answer
When he said he will stick with his own graphics i wanted to see how GooD they will be
And if they weren't good i will feel sorry for him and a little bit upset because he didn't want my help

I checked the PM. and finally I need help.

1: I want my player to shoot both ways left and right, but I can only do one at a time, what can I do
2: When my charater jumps, I want him to only jump once, but everytime you press the key, he just keeps going up in the air, what do I DO!!!!! :?
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Re: everyone on this site is awesome at art

Postby NightOfHorror » Tue Jan 15, 2013 10:46 pm

skydereign wrote:
sonicforvergame wrote:you should check those pages and i never said to someone that his graphics are bad if i did i would always say after that,that if help is needed i am here for CUZ I know that my graphics would be appreciated

I can easily imply something, without ever stating it. Insisting your graphics are better is one way to do that. And just because knucklecrunchergames or anyone else likes your game, doesn't mean they want you to do their art, especially if you keep insisting.

sonicforvergame wrote:Now those are the TOPICS and PLEASE tell me if it's good 8)

I doubt you really want me to critique your art, last time someone asked me to do this he ended up challenging me, which was rather awkward. Unlike most gE users, I don't really like sugar-coating my critiques. I feel it does the person a disservice. So, don't take any of this the wrong way. But, since you asked... It looks like you rip, scale, and edit the graphics of others. Even if that isn't what you do, it appears that way, making it seem less appealing than it might actually be. For instance, your custom shadow's feat look blurry as if scaled down. If you can make art as good as that shadow almost is, and then leave out a detail like the blurriness of the foot, you don't have much respect for your art. This, as well as you put others' graphics in your "my art free" seem to support that idea (not to mention ripping tiles from mario for Hblade). As for the green hill zone, it is pretty safe for me to assume you are using graphics from official sonic games/high production fan made ones (the tree you originally claimed as your own, you even mentioned it wasn't yours).

Now that elephant you did, sums up the idea that you are scaling existing images down, and editing them. It lacks definition that you would normally find if you drew the image yourself. While that stylistically could be deliberate, your other graphics don't support that idea. You also were making a big deal about how your graphics suck, which usually ends up with people telling you how great they are, and not to beat yourself up. This is an attention trick, and usually good artists, though disliking their own work, don't use it for many different reasons. The people on gE are very lenient and supporting, sometimes to a fault.

So, to sum it up, I don't think your art is good, if it is even really your art. It could be you've just done a poor way of presenting it, and you do have a lot of skill. But for now, I can't see it.

Challenging sky is not the best idea sonic. Don't get hurt by it either. One time he told me the honest truth about my game, and at first, it killed me, but then I realized that what sky said was correct. Heck, I even admit myself that it is not that good. I am only finishing it to finish what I started. I am making a part 2 that with the help of many, I hope ends up good. I love to make my own art for my game, but you know what I do when I complete it. I try to get others to judge it, and others to refine it. My graphics are so much better with the help of lcl and JagMaster. I could maybe one day ask for your help. I am truly grateful that sky is not a person that tells you what you want to hear. It may seem like we are bullying you too, but we are only telling the truth. Also, don't expect us to be too nice when you keep ripping on us. Also, I am four-teen like you if I am correct. Most of these people are adults. The last thing they want to put up with are kids that act like they are better than others. Some of these people have kids, maybe even our age, so they know how we are like. Be grateful that makslane let us kids go on here, risking the fact that we can be immature. Hopefully, you see where I am coming from.
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Re: everyone on this site is awesome at art

Postby Hblade » Wed Jan 16, 2013 12:37 am

Arguments are a good way to build friendship. You express your differences and learn to accept them.
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