Try this. Instead of having to click the mage to create the fire ball, create an actor, and add a draw actor event -> visibility state -> dont draw but enable events. Then make another draw actor event, and choose follow cursor (or mouse whatever). Add a mouse button down event -> script editor:
fire = fire + 1;
Then go to your mage and add a draw actor event -> script editor:
create actor fireball relative to creator bla bla bla...
Then, go to your fireball, add a create actor event, go to script editor, and type:
fire = fire - 1;
Then you should be done. This will enable you to click anywhere on the screen to create a fireball. NOTE: Keep the code that makes the fireball move towards the mouse. If you keep it, you will be able to shoot to any place on the screen. This just might fix the glitch I hope this is what your looking for