Tips to not give up on game

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Tips to not give up on game

Postby NightOfHorror » Wed Feb 02, 2011 7:33 pm

Ok we have a lot of fails in completion and I study why they give up, so here is a few tips.
I notice alot of people build engine and then do construction of level. Now out of those games very few decide to complete because a lot of people get bored of level construction
My advice: Do level construction and engine at same time so you are getting to do some fun while building levels

A lot of people get bored when they have to do something and get distracted like if you can only do graphics you might get bored. Advice: like other dont do one thing then another. Combine finding/making music, making engine, making levels, finding/making sounds, and making graphics all together
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Re: Tips to not give up on game

Postby MrJolteon » Thu Feb 03, 2011 7:02 pm

Yeah, level designing can be boring, but that doesn't mean you must give up while doing it. I have a lot of maps to make for Pokémon Violet, and I think it's boring. But still, I haven't given up. The game engine was done long ago, I won't add any more music, graphics are not quite done yet, the maps are far from done.
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Re: Tips to not give up on game

Postby Game A Gogo » Fri Feb 04, 2011 9:24 pm

Personally designing levels is my favorite part... I also keep it for last.
Working on having a good engine first is essential for me, because it prevents me from doing useless work. If something is not gonna work, I can see it quickly.
I try to do most of the art before everything, so I have something to work with. But obviously, you'll be doing artwork mostly whenever you need/think about it.
Music goes last as well, as composing a music can take me a whole day, or more.

So it's pretty much this:

1. Brain-storm (How can you start a game without knowing where you're going with it?! otherwise chances are you're gonna give up on it. It's also VERY important to brainstorm what your levels might contain)
2. Basic art (Usually the most comon art you'll find in game, ie.: Player, ground, menus, etc)
3. Level Editor (I find it easier to build an engine for a level editor than making a level editor for an engine. Also this and the brain-storm should go hand-in-hand)
4. Engine (Note: At this point, I designed at least ONE level, even if it's a test level, to test my engine with)
5. Debugging
6. Make SFX
7. Design levels
8. Intensive debugging
9. Make Music

Of course, this list will change the more I program. But hopefully this can also help someone staying with their game
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Re: Tips to not give up on game

Postby NightOfHorror » Sat Feb 05, 2011 8:46 pm

good tip. +1 for tip. Anybody have a way they do it or a tip. :)
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Re: Tips to not give up on game

Postby Bee-Ant » Sun Feb 06, 2011 2:25 am

Most of us make games in random steps...
Have you read about some development model such as Waterfall, Spiral, RAD, JAD, synch and stabilize, build and fix, etc?
Those are good things to start...
I use waterfall or spiral mostly :D
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Re: Tips to not give up on game

Postby NightOfHorror » Sun Feb 06, 2011 2:33 am

+1 for you Bee. :D
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Re: Tips to not give up on game

Postby Kodo » Sun Feb 06, 2011 12:23 pm

I knock ideas around on paper for a while before I do anything. And I do a fair bit of planning before I start a project, I also create a schedule using dotProject with almost every task listed and with times allocated so I know roughly when a project will be complete. I don't always stick to it rigidly but find that if I try to do something even something small every day I keep up with the schedule or even get ahead.

My main tip is to do something on your game every day, no matter how small! So even if its an aspect of the development cycle that you don't really enjoy you still make progress :)

As far as the order I do things, after I've spent some time banging around an idea on paper I like do get the engine running with some very basic art, I develop a single level and concentrate on that one prototype level for quite a while, nothing is set in stone at this point and a lot of ideas come while I am doing this, including ideas for new mechanics and other levels. The artwork and most sound effects get left until pretty much the end. Debugging is something that I will do right from the beginning, I don't like to progress on to something else if I can see any kind of bug or if I'm not 99% happy with it. The final stage will be a process of tidying and improving anything that could be better, intensive playing and looking for new bugs. I'll also let other people test the game toward the end as undoubtedly they will find things that I will have missed.
Last edited by Kodo on Sun Feb 06, 2011 12:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tips to not give up on game

Postby Game A Gogo » Sun Feb 06, 2011 12:36 pm

Kodo wrote:My main tip is to do something on your game every day, no matter how small! So even if its an aspect of the development cycle that you don't really enjoy you still make progress :)

I'll agree here because for me, what comes to a day will eventually come to weeks and then months. I want to avoid this!
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Re: Tips to not give up on game

Postby NightOfHorror » Mon Feb 07, 2011 3:46 am

good tip kodo +1 for you :D
Anybody got a tip
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Re: Tips to not give up on game

Postby Lacotemale » Tue Feb 08, 2011 4:52 pm

This is the kind of way I develop a game, so I will share it with the community:

1. Come up with a cool idea for a game, ideally something you would be passionate about and put lots of effort into its development.
2. Think about it, do alot of thinking on how you will do things and write or type it out if you have to! Also think about the best way and the easiest way to develop the game and pick the method that best suites you. (sometimes its a mix between the best way and easiest way)
3. Create the Engine/gameplay first. Since this will be the core part of your game focus on it. Shove in some crappy graphics as placeholders for future replacements.
4. Create the rest of the game, proper graphics, sounds, music, maps, etc.
5. Polish, look for areas to improve your code or the game in any way.
6. Finally how to not give up on a game:

- Work on different parts of it if you can... working on the same part of a game gets boring. (you can't really when working on the engine/gameplay at the beginning, so stick at it)
- Work on other projects when bored of working on your game. (these projects can be a different game or any other type of project)
- Take a break, sometimes I find its good to take a break from something and come back with refreshed focus, enthusiasm and ideas!

Thats about all I can think of at the moment... not all of this post is tips on not giving up but some of it is just help on making a game first. Since you need to make a game first before you can think about giving up on it! :D
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Re: Tips to not give up on game

Postby NightOfHorror » Wed Feb 09, 2011 3:41 am

You have earned a +1 my friend. :)
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Re: Tips to not give up on game

Postby poopbrigade » Wed Feb 09, 2011 11:03 am

for me other peoples positive comments would be great in adding some additional motivation when posting it in game development section.

also when working with other people or by groups, so when a single person would be down and turdy he's team mates would pick him up gave him shook off replenishment... XD also talking with your team and discussing some stuff every day will refill your will to complete the game you've always wanted to make...
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Re: Tips to not give up on game

Postby NightOfHorror » Thu Feb 10, 2011 1:13 am

good, but even when a lot of people do positive comments, alot still quit
ex. SNORKY!!!
Although that does give them positive attitude toward game. I also say give a point and say it in topic, when kren gave me point for TTM I was a happy man, and it boosted motivation for TTM a lot.

+1 still though
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Re: Tips to not give up on game

Postby NightOfHorror » Wed May 11, 2011 8:33 pm

I am glad to see all the completed games lately.
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Re: Tips to not give up on game

Postby 157pl » Sat May 14, 2011 9:45 pm

now that i think about it i have never done level design all my games are arcade games :shock:
probably because i cant think of a story i always get half way and go now what
my advice would be to carefully plan what you are going to do or where to go it would be best to wright it out
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