Alternative to CollisionFree - Collision Free From Actor!

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Re: Alternative to CollisionFree - Collision Free From Actor

Postby Jagmaster » Tue Aug 30, 2011 2:35 pm

There should be. :?
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Re: Alternative to CollisionFree - Collision Free From Actor

Postby Jagmaster » Tue Aug 30, 2011 2:38 pm

Off topic: is it better to use GE tile system or use something else like tile studio. (Regarding cpu usage.)

Off off topic: What have you been up to lately? :P
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Re: Alternative to CollisionFree - Collision Free From Actor

Postby lcl » Tue Aug 30, 2011 2:41 pm

Jagmaster wrote:There should be. :?

Yeah, there should be, but that'd also require all actors to have a new actor variable, z, and I've heard that there is something making it very hard to add new actor variables to GE. (I'm not talking about those ones which everyone can create with "Variables" -button).

And even if there was function like that it could still have problems if actors had same zDepth.

What we would need would be like: getAllActorsInPosition() where one could input coordinates to check and it would return all the actors at that position. :D
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Re: Alternative to CollisionFree - Collision Free From Actor

Postby Jagmaster » Tue Aug 30, 2011 2:45 pm

Yeah, that makes sense actually. Things would glitch up when actors would share zdepth. Sometimes GE gets glitched up when I create a new actor, and then the zdepth for the new actor increases for each new actor. :P
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Re: Alternative to CollisionFree - Collision Free From Actor

Postby lcl » Tue Aug 30, 2011 2:49 pm

Jagmaster wrote:Off topic: is it better to use GE tile system or use something else like tile studio. (Regarding cpu usage.)

Off off topic: What have you been up to lately? :P

I've always used GE tile system, but it has quite much issues and problems that make it unefficient to use.
I think tile studio will be very good if you have enough interest to study it well. (I never had interest to learn to build my games levels with it. :P)

I've been also trying to create a level editor program that'd be for everyones use, some information of the idea here: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=6854&p=72633#p72633
However I got stuck with it and gave up, but I don't think it'd be impossible to do though. I may return to it if I got some interest to it.

And well, I haven't done that much anything with GE lately, been very busy with school and my band. :)
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Re: Alternative to CollisionFree - Collision Free From Actor

Postby Game A Gogo » Thu Sep 01, 2011 1:40 am

lcl wrote:
Game A Gogo wrote:
Nice code but won't work with tile actors.. :P

That's why I create my own tile map makers, so each tile are individual tiles, but you gotta know tricks of file saving and loading ;)
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