paperboy321 wrote:j2graves wrote:could you post a screenshot? just press prtsc/sysrq ingame.
wat does this mean prtsc/sysrq
Print Screen - next to F12, if you're using a keyboard similar to mine.
paperboy321 wrote:it still falls
This is getting me confused now. What falls??? The platform? Let's go over our possabilities slowly.
1. Examin which actor we have the collision event registered in at the moment, cause that will cause problems.
If you answer to it was player, then if the platform surely moves, first check your scripts, search all possible places for a
code that may tell platform to be moved in any means (that is: codes like MoveTo, platform.x or y = platform. x or y
velocity = something. If this possability is completely excluded:
Check wether you have accidentaly left physical responce in. Since the code we gave you above is simpler, delete the
physical responce. let me correct my earlier post: If it is a wall, only do xvelocity *= -1; If it is a floor, then only use
yvelocity *= -1;
2.If your answer was that the codes are in platform, then we might be in some trouble. Now if you haven't checked for codes
I mentioned in 1, then check that out. Check wether you have physical response still in there. If so probably it was what
caused this, because we have been giving you advice assuming code being in the player's codes. If you've been writing the
codes here, then don't take them out, just infront of the x or yvelocity, put the name of the actor for the player, and then
a dot. So if the name for the player actor was Jumper, then code should look like this: Jumper.yvelocity *= -1;
Again, as I said in 1, depending on what kinda object the collision is with, only use one of the lines of code.
3.If all this might not have worked, then theres either something I/we missed, or it is another mysterious GE bug...
Hope this finally helps