I just realised that this forum doesn't have an easy access for things that other people have coded. I don't mean games, levels or demos, more like hard functions to code, eg rts system functions and shop codes. So this is a topic for people to easily access some functions that they can edit for their needs. (If any moderators see this and don't like it, at least make a real topic for it similar to tutorials or game resources)
People can choose whether they want to be acknowledged when people use their function
You can enter functions in any form you want, eg just code, .ged, whatever
You must accept criticism if you enter a function BUT the criticism must be about how to make it work better, not work for something else
If there is a code from tutorials that would fit into this category, you can add the function AND GIVE ALL CREDIT TO THE CREATOR
There can be similar codes, but not direct copies
I will try to enter some things into this soon-ish, but since I'm in another time zone to all of you, there probably wont be anything yet
PS: If there are no responses to this within a reasonable time, can one of the moderators please delete this