Tutochao's Surprise Test!

Game Editor comments and discussion.

Tutochao's Surprise Test!

Postby Hblade » Sat May 01, 2010 11:57 pm

Surprise! This is a test for those who watched my videos :D

If you would like to take this test, and you haven't seen the videos, please take the time and watch them, thanks :D
    To the Tutochao Test

Alright, throughout episode 1 - 10 we've learned the basics and somewhat advanced stuff for Game Editor. What I want you to do is, make a small game that includes A.I, and a puzzle filled level, thats all! :D

You shouldn't have a problem with un-animated A.I if you watched the videos so I hope to see your results! :D This test will be closed next week on May 8th, so you have 1 week! :D

You can upload the videos to youtube or you can upload the Ged files here.
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Re: Tutochao's Surprise Test!

Postby krenisis » Sun May 02, 2010 10:37 pm

You got to give us more time than that!! But I do have a puzzle game when I get a chance I will upload it.
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Re: Tutochao's Surprise Test!

Postby Hblade » Sun May 02, 2010 10:49 pm

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