A bug or should a user just know better ?

Non-platform specific questions.

A bug or should a user just know better ?

Postby Just4Fun » Sun Mar 14, 2004 7:57 pm

I manage to crash GE somewhat regularly, but I can't always remember what I did to get the program to break.

This user input though, consistently breaks the program. I use a Tablet PC that runs Windows XP Pro --Tablet Version.

You probably already know about this situation but on the outside chance that you don't:

Create 2 actors:A1, A2

A2-->On keydown Event (Return)
create actor A1 (do some action )
Now, remove Actor A1.
Go to A2 and try to edit the Event that you created. Boom! GE blows up. :twisted:
I've learned that I still have a lot to learn.

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Postby makslane » Mon Mar 15, 2004 2:03 pm

Thank you, I didn't see this bug before

Great bug description
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